Chapter Eighteen

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Clara paced impatiently through Charles's office as she waited for him to arrive. Hank bursted in.

"What is it?" He desperately asked her. Clara didn't remember telling Hank anything. How did he even know she was there?

"What is what?" She asked back.

"Well you're definitely stressed. And it's showing. Empathy powers, remember?" He explained. Clara sighed nervously. Hank realised something was wrong. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Literally nothing," she quickly answered, sitting down on the desk. Hank sat besides her. "I--I just can't talk about it." Hank nodded.

"I see. I guess you are waiting for Charles to come back. If you need anything, I'll be outside with my class," Hank squeezed her hand and nodded, finally leaving the room.

Clara stood up and walked around the desk, laying comfortably on the sofa besides it. Her clothes weren't chic or fancy or anything. She was wearing skinny jeans and one of Charles's hoodies. I know. It's cliche. But what woman doesn't love to wear a man's hoodie?

It felt like she waited a century for Charlie to finally arrive. Clara wasn't feeling so well, either. She was very tired and her head was pounding. And thought she really wanted to, she didn't sleep and kept her eyes open during the whole wait.

Or at least she thought she did.

"Clara, love?" She heard a voice, making her jump out of her sleep. Then a soft laugh calmed her down. "What are you doing here?"

She slowly opened her eyes, for a minute, not remembering what she was actually doing there. Then she sat up quickly when she remembered.

"I--I needed to talk to you. Tell you something," she stuttered out. Charlie smiled.

"Well, here I am. What is it," Charles asked.

Clara thought of an easy way of saying this. But really, there wasn't any easy way.

"I--I'm.... I'm pregnant." She almost whispered. Charles' jaw dropped open to the ground. He was paralysed. Clara immediately regretted it. She wasn't mature enough to be a mother. How could she ever be? Her mother was gone before she turned five years old, what influences would she have? She started panicking, and Charles picked that up.

"Are you kidding me?!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "Don't you dare be kidding me! I'm going to be a father!" He said out loud, realising. "And you'll be a perfect mother," he confirmed. "I know you will."

"How can you know? I never had a mother..." She explained, a tear falling from her eye. Though... She wasn't sad. Was she happy? She didn't quite know. Was that the hormones already? This was going to be hell. Charles wiped the tear off with his thumb.

"I can assure you that you will, because I know you. And you are the woman I married and want to spend my life with," he said. He had something more to add, but Clara reached his lips with hers and they kissed.


Charles laid down on the bed besides his pregnant wife. She didn't turn towards him, like usual, so Charles knew something was wrong.

"Something on your mind?" He asked softly. Clara turned to him, staring at his blue eyes. She then sat up, her back against the head of the bed.

"I... I guess," she responded.

"What is that?" Charles asked. He hated to see his wife like that.

"I was thinking... About a godfather to our child..." She said, looking at her still laid Charlie. He stared at her thoughtful and decided to sit down too. So with difficulty, he sat besides Clara.

"You want it to be Erik," Charles guessed. Clara nodded. "I get it. But apparently, he's got a life of his own, now. In another country. I don't think he'll be around to visit our child," Charles explained.

"I know. And I understand. But.. I jut feel like we own it to him. I don't even know why, I just..."

"It's alright," he said, pulling her down onto his lap. Clara placed her head on Charles's legs and he started playing with we hair. "Erik will be our child's godfather."

(Still 1977)

"Push harder sweetheart!" Demanded the nurse giving birth to the kid. They didn't know if it was a girl of a boy, or what name they would give it.

Clara screamed through her pain as Charles squeezed her hand. They were both at the hospital. Hank was back at the House, with the kids. By the way, they had near a hundred students already. Many parents didn't know what to do with their kids. Some were proud of them for being mutants, others, no so much. But that's not the subject of this chapter. Anyway, as I was saying...

Clara screamed as she tried her best to push that thing out of her. After a few minutes more of pushing, they finally heard it. A baby's cry. Clara sighed as she breathed heavily. She sent her head back onto the bed, in exhaustion. Charles felt a tear forming in his eye.

He baby's cry stopped when it was placed in Clara's arms. She cried happy tears as the nurse gave the baby to her.

"It's a little girl," the nurse whispered. Clara and Charles laughed, watching the small human cooing.

Later that night, Clara woke up to see their daughter sleeping in Charles' arms. He was caressing the baby's hand, humming a lullaby. Clara was astonished by the man's fatherly instincts. "How cute," she softly said. Charles smile at her.

"We should think of a name," Charles said, after a few moments of silence.

"Yes. We should," Charles said back. They both went silent once more, both thinking of a girl's name they were willing to give to their daughter.

"What do you think of... Lola?" Finally said Clara. Charles suddenly smiled widely.

"I think it's amazing," he then looked down at the girl. "Hello there Loly," he whispered to the baby.

"Oh god, I'm late," said a manly voice from the door. The two telepaths turned their heads towards it, only to be surprised by Erik's presence. "I'm so sorry." Clara smiled.

"Erik!" She said with a smile. Erik walked over to her, to give her a big hug. "I missed you so much," she cried into her old friend's shoulder. Clara wiped away a tear as the let go of the hug.

Behind him, stood a woman, carrying a small child, two or three years old. Clara smiled at the woman, already knowing who she was. The little girl smiled at her too.

Erik then walked over to Charles, who was sitting on the other side of Clara's bed. He leaned over to see the little one.

"What's her name?" Erik asked softly to Charles, who looked up.

"Lola," he answered. Erik smiled.

"That's a great name." He then remembered about the other two girl in the room. "And... Uh... Well. This is Magda. My... Wife."

Charles looked at him in surprise. "Wife? And... daughter?" Erik nodded.

"Nina," Erik presented. "Well. These are Clara and Charles Xavier, my oldest of friends. Charles, Clara, my wife and daughter."

The little girl walked over to Clara's bed and took her hand. Clara felt the power of the girl from her touch. She already knew that girl was a mutant, but the powers wouldn't begin to manifest until later, so she decided not to tell Erik. At least not for now.

The girl's hair was dark brown, just like her mother's. But her eyes were brown-greenish. "She has your eyes," Clara said to Erik, who thanked her with a smiled and a nod.

Again, Clara's mind changed. That was the one. The happiest day of their lives.

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