Chapter Fifteen

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The metal box stopped right in front of Erik. To Erik's left, was Charles, laying on the ground, under the giant metal bars. To Erik's right, was Clara, running towards him.

Erik finally felt the metal as a replacement for Clara's leg bone, where the bulled had been though and where her real bone had shattered. He took her leg and threw her flying past the box, falling to the ground a few meters away from Charles. She cried in pain as Erik made the .team inside of her turn and switch, ripping her skin from the inside.

Back to the box, it had a door. When I say it had, it's because Erik ripped it off, along with one of the walls of the box. Inside, were a bunch of agents, Trask and the President.

Every agent crawled to retrace their fallen guns, but Erik made float behind him and point to them. He then turned his back and, using his powers, he turned all of the cameras, that were there for the president announcement, towards him and his box. All of them were streaming live.

"You built these weapons to destroy us," he said to Trask and the President. "Why? Because you're afraid of our gifts. Because we are different. Humanity has always feared that which is different. Well I'm here to tell you," Erik made a pause. "To tell the world. You're right to fear us! We are te future! We are the ones who inherited this land! And anyone who comes in our way will suffer the same way as these men you see before you. Today, was meant to be a display of your power. Instead, I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world, and to my mutant brothers and sisters out there I say this; no more hiding. No more suffering. You have lived in the shadows in shame, and fear for too long. Come out. Join me. Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind. The new tomorrow that starts today." Erik turned to Clara. "Come and join me," he repeated, now speaking directly to her.

"You know I wont do that," Clara told him firmly. Erik frowned.

"You would. But Charles has gotten into your head."

"No one is in my head, Erik," she spat. "Look at you. I used to think we were very much alike."

"Aren't we?" Erik smiled sadly. Clara did the same.

"We are. We just fight for different reasons," Clara honestly told him. Her expression changed suddenly and he fell serious once more. "So you must understand that I can't let you do this..."

"Kill me, fine. But spare everyone," a voice said. They both looked at the source and there stood the President of the United States. Except... It wasn't him. It was Raven. And only Clara seamed to know that. She let Raven continue her acting.

"Very heroic, mister President, but you had no intention on sparing any of us," Erik said. "The future of our species begins now."

All the guns clicked from above Erik's head. Clara was ready to stand besides Raven and do her bet to sop those bullets, even if she didn't know if she could.

Before anyone could do anything, a sentinel came running towards them. Erik flipped his head and took it down, piece by piece. While his attention was turned away, Raven took a gun from his pocket and shot Erik, the bullet passing right through his neck, leaving two holes. Erik turned back to the president, his right hand on his wound, only to realise it was actually Mystique.

Erik fell to the ground, his hand on his neck, shivering from the pain. All the guns fell besides him, and all the sentinels, who were under Erik's control, stopped moving.

Raven walked towards Erik. "You used to be a better shot," he said.

"Trust me, I still am," said Raven. She did a flip and kicked Erik's head, making him fall unconscious to the ground.

Raven then turned back towards the president and pointed her gun. Only, it wasn't towards the president that her gun was pointing to, it was towards Trask. All the men flinched and backed away, until they weren't moving anymore.

"Raven..." Clara said as a warning, but Raven ignored her completely. Clara suddenly appeared in front of Trask. She was controlling everyone's minds.

"Get out of my head, Clara!" Raven shouted.

Charles appeared right next to her.

"Raven, please do not make us the enemy today," he said.

"Look around you," Raven said. "We already are."

"Not all of us," said Clara.

"All you've done so far, is save the lives of these men," Charles explained. "You can show them a better path. I've been trying to control you ever since the day we met, and look where that's got us."

"Everything that happens now," said Clara. "Is in your hands." Raven's hands trembled, she hesitated.

"I have faith in you, Raven," said Charles, before him and Clara went away, unfreezing the men. Raven's hands shaking, she put down the gun and let it fall to the ground.

Charles let out a breath of relieve, and Clara limped her way to him and Hank.

Raven turned her back on the president and walked away, taking Erik's helmet away from him.

"He's all yours, Charles," Raven said as she walked away.

Charles quickly took control of Erik's mind and body, to use his powers to take away the huge metal structure laying over him. Charles groaned in pain as the pression was relieved. Clara took his hand. Hank helped him to get up, always supporting him. Charles let go of Erik, who slowly turned to see his helmet on the ground, then Charles.

"If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead," said Erik. He was right. "You know that."

"I know," responded Charles.

"Goodbye, old friend," Erik said to Charles.

"Goodbye, Erik," Charles said back. Erik then turned to Clara, suffering to stand up because of what he'd done.

"Goodbye Clara. And I'm sorry."

"You have the habit of saying that a lot," she smiled weakly. "Goodbye Erik," Clara finally said.

Erik finally lifted himself up and flew away. Raven was still there. She looked at Charles. Then at Clara. And finally, Hank. They were lovers once. And hank still loved her. Raven just walked away, as Hank sighed.

"Are you sure you should let them go?" Asked Hank.

"Yes," said Charles. "I have hope for them. It's going to be a time, Hank when we're all together."

"What about Logan?" asked Hank once more.

"He will be fine. He has the best friends he could hope for, in the future," Clara said.


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