Chapter Seven

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"Take care of yourself," said Charles to Peter, as they boarded the plane. He threw the rental car's keys to the young man. "Do me a favour and return them for me," he finally said. Peter smiled, nodding his head. "And Peter... take it slow."

He entered the plane, where Erik was sitting on a chair. He walked right passed his old friend and sat besides Clara, across the table from Erik. She placed her head on his lap and he started playing with her light brown hair.

"I hate planes," she whispered in Charles mind.

"I know," Charles said back. "It'll be okay. Don't worry. I'm here with you."

"That's exactly why I'm worried," she quietly said. Charles took her hand, to try and calm her down.

After the plane got up on the skies, Erik finally spoke, breaking an uncomfortable silence.

"So where did they pick you up?" Asked Erik to Logan, who was reading the newspaper, discovering facts about the time zone he was on. The Wolverine took his eyes off the newspaper and looked up, staring directly at Erik.

"You're gonna find this hard to believe but.... uh, you did," he said. "You sent me. And Charles. From the future." Clara smiled as Erik stared at him blankly for a second, expecting Logan to say something like 'it's a joke! I came here to help your plan about ruling the world!', but all Logan did was continue to read his newspaper. Erik threw his hands up in the air in surrender.

"And you two," said Erik to Charles and Clara. "You are a couple, now, I see..." Charles smiled down at Clara, who smiled back.

"Something like that," he answered.

"So.." Erik kept going. "Charles. How did you lose them?" Charles's smiled flew away faster than Peter's speed. Clara took his hand and drew little circles with her thumb on the back of it. Her message clearly meaning 'calm down. Be the better man.' He took a deep breath before finally answering Erik.

"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA," said Charles, trying his best to stay calm, but Erik wasn't making it easy.

"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?" Asked Erik, stunned. Clara knew that Charles was not found to be able to stay still for much long, so she sat up and put her head against the window, letting go of Charles's hand.

"I sacrificed my powers so that I could sleep." Charles tried to say, but the words came out only as a whisper. Clara felt extremely bad, like it was her fault and she was a bad person or something. Even though it wasn't, her heart was shattered. Yet, she found strength to try and stop Charles.

"Charlie. Please." Said Clara, but Charles didn't get the chance to look at her, as Erik kept talking.

"Was it worth it?" Asked Erik. Charles felt his anger growing up.

"What do you know about it?" He asked.

"I've lost my fair share," said Erik. That hit Charles in a different way, as he laughed coldly. A laugh that sent a chill down her spine.

"Dry your eyes, Erik," coldly said Charles. "It doesn't justify what you've done."

"You have no idea what I've done!" Half yelled Erik.

"I know you took the things that meant the most to me!" Yelled back Charles. That kind of hurt Clara. So what, Raven meant more to him that herself? But of course, she knew Charles was extremely angry, and she got that. Charles just wanted to find an argument.

"Well maybe you should have fought harder for them," said Erik, still keeping his cool. Or at least, he was doing a bloody good job on hiding his anger. Charles wasn't. He stood up angrily and hit his hand on the table between him and Erik.

"If you want a fight, Erik, I'll give you a fight!" He practically screamed. Clara flinched at the anger coming out of Charlie's voice in that moment. She placed both hands on the arms of her chair and held tight.

"Sit down!" Said Logan. Instead of that, Erik stood up, eyes to eyes with Charles.

"Let him come," said Erik. Charles launched forward and seized Erik by the front of his shirt, kicking the table out of the way.

"YOU ABANDONED ME! YOU TOOK HER AWAY AND YOU ABANDONED ME!" Yelled Charles from the top of his lungs.

"Angel," said Erik, almost whispering, burgeoning angrier and louder as he named the other mutants. "Azazel, Emma, Banshee. Mutant brothers and sisters, all dead!" He almost screamed. Charles slowly let go of Erik's shirt. Erik's anger was so much, it started to affect the plane's stability. Clara was now holding the arms of the chair so hard she was afraid to break them. "Countless others experimented on, butchered! Where were you, Charles?! We were supposed to protect them! Where were you when your own people needed you?! Hiding! You and Hank! Pretending to be something you're not! You abandoned us all!" Clara noticed how Erik would never speak badly of her. She appreciated him for that, and at the same time, hated him for it. We was putting all the blame on Charles. Like if she was just a follower and did everything Charles told her to. That had an impact on both herself and Charles. Though, it was good to know that he respected her.

The plane was going left to right. Charles almost fell twice and everything that was on the tables was now on the floor. Erik hadn't moved.

"ERIK!" yelled Hank from the front, trying to maintain control of the plane.

Suddenly, Erik relinquished the plane, allowing Hank to regain control."you abandoned us all," Erik added.

Erik sat back down, and Charles walked away, sitting next to hank on the cabin, leaving Clara and Erik alone at the fallen table, which Erik picked up, and Logan sitting somewhere behind them. Clara was breathing heavily, as she was panicking inside because of her intense fear of flying.

"I'm sorry," said Erik to Clara, as he remembered she was afraid of planes. Clara looked up at him, staring at his soul. Erik flinched as her look sent a chill down his spine. Clara was straight terrifying when mad. Erik knew what she was capable of.

"So, you were always an asshole," said Logan, not taking his eyes out of his newspaper.

"I take it we're best buddies in the future," said Erik sarcastically.

"I've spent a lot of years trying to bring you down," Logan said back.

"How does that work out for you?" Asked Erik.

"You're like me," said Logan. "You're a survivor," he explained. Then looked to the ground. "Are you going to pick all that shit up?"

Days of Future Past (Charles Xavier Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz