Chapter Five

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"I'll help you get her," said Charles, entering the living room where Logan and Hank were sitting. "Not for all your future shite but for Clara." Logan thankfully nodded to Clara, for changing the professor's mind. "But I don't know how the bloody hell we're going to find him."

"I imagine Cerebro is out of the question," said Logan. Charles bumped his shoulders and looked at Clara, who rapidly shook her head.

"Don't you dare make of me your lab rat, Xavier," she said inside his head. Charles frowned, before adding:

"Completely out of question."

"If only you guys had internet," said Logan, finally realising his mission was about to get a lot more complicated than he thought.

"What's internet?" Asked Clara, in confusion.

"We have a phone book," offered Hank.


"Here, here," said Logan, as Charles drove carefully through the small street.

"Where?" He asked.

"Here, just stop here," said Logan, in annoyance.

"Alright, alright," made Charles. Clara smiled. Her Charlie was the cutest.

"Next time," said Logan. "I'm driving."

"Don't get used to it," said Charles.

The four of them walked out of the car to the front door, on which Logan knocked. Clara's leg still was hurting her, so she was half limping across the front yard, using Charles as support. Clara felt a whoosh of wind as a lady opened the door, and her hair was thrown back.

"What's he done now?" Asked the lady. Clara was surprised on how the lady spoke of her son. He must be a real troublemaker for his mother to believe he's done something wrong just because there are people at the door. Either that, or she jumped into conclusions way too fast. "I'll just write you a check for whatever he took."

"We just need to talk to him," said Logan. No matter how he talked, Logan always sounded somehow annoyed. And it was starting to annoy Clara.

The four walk into the house and down to the basement, where they find a young man playing table-tennis... by himself? Clara was amazed at the speed of that boy.

"What do you guys want?" Asked the boy. He was moving so fast, Clara couldn't quite figure out in which side of the table he was standing when he spoke. "I didn't do anything." Suddenly, they lose sight of him, only to discover him sitting down on a couch. "I've been here all day," the young man explained.

"Just relax, Peter. We're not cops," said Logan.

"Of course you're not," said Peter. "If you were, you wouldn't be driving a rental car."

"How did you know we're driving a rental car?" Asked Charles, confused. Then it hit Clara.

"You went outside," she said to the younger. "You were there, I felt you."

"Erm, felt him? You... felt him." Said Charles. Clara was picking up a bit of jealousy on his voice.

"Seriously?" Scoffed Clara in disbelief. "I felt a whoosh of wind. That was you, wasn't it?" She asked Peter. The boy smiled.

" I checked your registration when you were walking to the door," explained Peter. "I also had some time to kill so I went through your rental agreement. Saw you were from out of town. Are you FBI?" He asked. Before they all could blink, Peter was standing on the other side of the room, with Charles's wallet. That boy was amazing. "Nop, not cops," he said, throwing Charles' wallet back at him. "And what's this gifted youngsters place?"

Clara looked down. That was their school. A failure. A school that was caught in the middle of a war. What kind of teaches were they to allow that to happen? Charles took her hand, and with the other, he took back his wallet and placed it in his pocket. "It's an old card," he said, passing his hand on his hair, who was all messy with the wind produced by Peter's speed.

"You really need a haircut. It's really bad." Clara said to him. He played hurt, placing one hand on his chest and gasping, his blue eyes wide open. Clara silently chuckled.

"Is he a teleporter," asked Hank, completely ignoring what Clara and Charles were doing.

"No," said Logan. "He's just fast."

"He's fascinating," said Hank.

"He's a pain in the ass," answered Logan, again with the annoyed tone. Clara sighed. "When I knew him, he wasn't so young."

"Young? You're just old," said Peter.

"So you're not afraid to show your powers?" Asked Charles.

"Powers? What powers? What are you talking about? Do you see something strange here? Nothing no one would ever believe you if you told anyone." Peter said, really fast.

"We need your help," said Clara. The three men just let her talk.

"Doing what?"

"Breaking someone out of prison," she said. "A friend."

A friend? She heard Charles thinking inside his head. She squeezed his hand, reminding him that she could still read his mind and hear his thoughts.

"Prison break? That's illegal, you know?" Asked Peter, who was now sitting in front of a Pac Man video game, not taking his eyes out of it.

"Only if you get caught." Clara said. Charles looked surprised with that answer, but kept cool.

"What's in it for me?" Asked Peter. Clara didn't know how to answer. She looked around the room and found something; lost of things. Lots of stolen things. Food, games, even TVs. Clara knew what kind of guy Peter was.

"You, kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon," she answered. Peter's attention was totally on Clara as he slowly turned his head towards her.

"How do I know I can trust you?" He asked them.

"Because were just like you," Clara said, as smoothly as she could.

"Show him," said Hank to Logan.

Logan showed them his claws, made of bones. Clara shivered. That was completely disgusting. And Peter seamed to have taken the words right from her mouth.

"Cool. But disgusting."

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