Chapter Seven

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99, 100, 101… Jon has been taking forever. I know he had a game and he was exercising after and everything but damn, that boy took his time in the shower. I tried entertaining myself in any way that I could. My newest idea was to count the ceiling tiles. I was up to 101 when I heard Jon’s shower turn off.

“Finally,” I muttered to myself.

 I got up and grabbed my bag from off of the floor and picked at my nail polish in impatient anticipation.

 “I’m just gonna get changed quick, okay?” Jon called from the door into the shower room. I turned around to reply, but found myself speechless as stared at Jon dripping wet, only wearing a low strung towel that exposed his v lines.

 “Uh..yea..sure,” I stuttered out while awkwardly scratching my head, trying to act normal.

 Jon caught a whiff of my obvious state and gave me his infamous smirk yet again.

 “Are you sure you want me to go get dressed? I can just take you home like this if you want,” Jon said as he grinned from ear to ear. This boy was more than full of himself.

 “Oh trust me that’s definitely not what I want,” I casually said as I took out my phone to look busy.

 “Whatever,” he muttered as he went back into the shower room.

 As soon as he was gone, I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding. Why does he have this affect on me? What’s worse is that he knows he has it.

 “Okay let’s go,” Jon said as he walked past me carrying a bag full of sticks. It seems like he’s a bit grumpy ever since my shot to his ego. It oddly satisfies me and makes me smile. I win this round I sing in my head.

 We made it down to the parking garage where all of the players keep their cars. I followed Jon to a sleek, black Range Rover that looked very new and very expensive.

 “Nice car,” I remarked while I opened the car door to get into shotgun.

 “Yea, I know,” he said as if he was bored with our conversation.

 I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was going to continuing being ass throughout our ride home.

5 Minutes later

 It has been silent this entire time. I’ve been looking out the window, staring at the buildings and the lights and everything, trying to think of something to say. Every time I look at Jon, and when I say look I mean slyly glance, he’s staring intensely at the road. That’s it, I can’t handle this anymore.

 “Are you really this pissed off because of the game?” I asked while stifling a laugh. This guy is seriously way too serious.

 He looked at me like a crazy person. “Obviously I’m pissed off because of the game okay. You don’t know anything about hockey or about me so maybe you should just stop bringing it up.” He managed to say that in all one breath. I was partially impressed and partially offended.  

 Ha, I laughed. “Jon, you don’t know anything about me either so let’s not pass judgment here. And I happen to know a hell of a lot about hockey okay.”

 I was very defensive when it came to my love and knowledge of hockey. In high school, all of the boys were assholes because they thought that since they had a penis, they knew more about the sport than I did. I constantly had to prove myself to everyone and I was just tired of having to constantly.

 “Okay then, who’s the goalie on the Coyotes?” he asked with a sense of cockiness. Wow. He really thought he was gonna win this one. Ass.

 “Mike Smith ya idiot,” I said immediately back to him.

Slowly, Then all at Once (Jonathan Toews Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now