Chapter Three

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I took the bus from our campus to Millennium Park after i grabbed a coffee from the cafe. As i arrived at my destination, i was surprised with the lack of people in the park. Sure, it was a brisk September day and Friday afternoon, but only about 10 people were walking around. I decided to sit on a bench I take out my notebook. I want to write down everything i see, everything i feel. One day, i won't be able to recount my senses, so i want to be able to read this book and feel what i am currently feeling. The cold breeze, the shining sun. As i look around me, I write down descrptions of people in the park. Old man, probably in his 70s; cane, thick glasses. A mother and daughter taking a walk, pointing a birds and such. The daughter looks so happy to be here, to be chasing birds in a city park. I smile as she runs away laughing. As i finish writing about her innocent smile, I look up. That's where I see him.

He's wearing a blue plaid shirt, dark jeans, a black beanie. He holds his coffee close to him, absorbing it's warmth. As he makes his way across the park, only 15 feet away from me, I can't help but stare. It's the boy that made me love hockey; the boy that stole my heart and didn't even know he had it. Jonathan Toews.

He casually looks around as he walks across the grass.

"Shit" I mutter to myself when I know he caught me staring at him. Maybe if I just start writing he'll ignore me and I won't have to suffer through any humiliation. Just when I think the coast is clear, I hear a cough from right in front of me.

"Hi" he cockily smiles. Well that was unexpected.

"Um hi. Can I help you?" i ask. Maybe if I play it cool I'll be able to calm down. But how could I calm down when Jonathan Toews is smiling at me a foot away? My best bet is to probably pretend that i have no idea who he is. I bet hockey players hate when girls fangirl over them. I really don't want to do that.

"Ha" he scoffs. "I think I should be the one asking that question. I noticed you staring at me." His smile is burning a hole through me. I'm not gonna give in an admit to it, because I know that that's exaclty what he wants to hear.

"Oh no I was just checking out the park is all. You were kinda in my way." 

"Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to distract you from your view." he laughs, obviously amused.

"It's fine, I was just about to leave anyway." Good. Now I can get myself out of this nervewracking situation. I know if I carry on the conversation longer, something embarrassing will slip out.

As i grab my bag and start towards the exit of the park, I hear footsteps struggling to catch up to me.

"Wait!" he yells. "I'm just messing with you. I'm not that bad. I was wondering if you wanted to go get a coffee."

"You don't even know me."

"Yea, but I want to."

Okay. Ouch. That made me melt inside. Here was Jonathan Toews, the Jonathan Toews, asking me to go get a coffee with him. This felt like something out of one of my dreams, except it was really happening. As i was considering saying yes, I get a text from Olivia.

*Hey ready to go out? I need to go to Panera ASAP!*

As much as i want to go get a coffee with Jonathan, I know I can't blow off Olivia. Plus, I have to stick with this hard-to-get thing, even though that's falling through quickly.

"Sorry, I have somewhere to be, but thanks for the offer. It was nice meeting you." And with that i turn to leave. But not before another shout stops me.

"Wait! I don't even know your name!" he yells, with a confused look on his face. Confused because I doubt any girl has ever rejected him before. 

I turn to face him. "Sophie!" i yell back. Okay, giving him my name isn't that bad. What could he possible do with just knowing my first name?

"Jonathan!" he yells back, as if I didn't already know.

"Yea I know." That's the last thing i say before i finally leave, with no footsteps or shouts behind me again. As I turn to see if he's still there, I see the Canadian standing there perplexed and very much confused. When he sees me turn though, his face contorts into a very flirty smile that is completly full of itself. He knew i would turn around to see him. Honestly how could I not.

I know what you must be thinking. Here's this girl who's completely in love with this boy and she didn't want anything to do with him when she met him. Sounds crazy right? I don't know, maybe I am crazy for not going out with him or not giving him my number. But i have alot on my plate right now. I have school to do, things to see and memories to be made, and none of that includes Jonathan Toews. I think.

Slowly, Then all at Once (Jonathan Toews Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now