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"On guard, I'll have my revenge." I looked up seeing Erza holding a silver sword in her hand. "What the hell is going on? How did he?" said Cobra as Midnight rushed against her, "Yaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!!!" She smirked swinging the sword and struck Midnight down. I gasped seeing him vanished into nothing. "Damn you!!!!" Cobra charged against her as she made another attack. She strike Cobra a his chest as he dropped to the ground, faintly coughing. "It can't be...I don't want to die like this!!!!!" He soon vanished into nothing.

"She did it...Erza..." I said faintly trying to stand back up.

She panted heavily and lost her balance. "Erza!" I yelled trying to make my way towards her. She fainted on the ground and soon the sword glowed brightly till it was transformed back into a guy. My eyes widened seeing the new transfer student the one Erza was talking about. What is going on? How could he...

"Are you guys alright?" I turned around seeing Natsu and Gray running. They gasped seeing the situation as they helped up Juvia and Mira who soon regain their conscious. "Ooh what happened where's Cobra and Midnight?" said Mira. I explained the situation and they nodded. "We'll have to take them to the infirmary immediately." I said as Gray and Natsu carried Erza and the transferred student, Jellal.



I woke up finding myself in the infirmary. I sat up as Lucy and the others were delighted. "Erza!" I sighed in relief, "You guys are alright I see." I said as they laughed. Then I thought about Jellal, he was there when I was badly injured. "Where's Jellal?"

"He's resting in another room. He'll be fine." said Master Makarov. "I wanted to ask you something master, if you don't mind." He sighed, "Is it about Jellal the one who transformed into an excalibur?" I gasped, "An excalibur?" He nodded, "Powerful enough to destroy everything on path but it comes with a price to pay. Indeed Jellal's the only human in the academy but there's something special about him and that is the power of excalibur that he possesses."

"So that's why when Erza defeated those two the sword transformed back into him." said Lucy and master nodded. "Yes, Jellal is a container for the power of excalibur. No, he's the excalibur itself and Erza, since you made a contract with him by drinking his blood, you and Jellal would be the ones to protect Fiore from any harm and as Jellal's master."


I was looking at the night through the window thinking about everything that happened recently. I touched the bandage around my neck and felt a sharp pain. She really bit me hard.


I was blown after everything that master explained. The excalibur's power that lies within Jellal. What pains me its that Jellal is the keeper of it and has to be protected at all times. So that is why he was transferred here, for us to protect the excalibur.

"You and Jellal will be the ones to protect Fiore at all costs."

And I'm Jellal's master...I should see how he's doing. He must be feeling hurt the way I bit his neck before.


"Its interesting that the power of excalibur lies within the boy in the academy. I want to see how powerful it is."

"Yes sister, we will once we make our first step at the academy and take that excalibur power for ourselves."

"Nothing will stop us, hahahahaha!!!!!!!!"



"Jellal?" I peeped my head inside the next room and saw he was sitting there, staring at the window. He turned and smiled, "Come on in!" I gladly closed the door and came sitting next to him. I cringed seeing his neck bandaged and there were some drops of blood on it. I touched it gently feeling sorry. He slightly hissed as I removed my hand from it. "I'm sorry, I lost control of myself back there...drinking your blood." He chuckled lightly, "Its fine, I understand, but are you alright? Your injuries were quite severe too."

I shook my head, "Nothing at all, my heals finally healed by themselves thanks to Porlyusica's work. Her skills are amazing!" He tilted his head, "Porlyusica?"

"She's the academy's nurse, but you might be patient with her attitude, she could be tough sometimes but she's always ready to help." all of the sudden he gave a hug making me blush. "Aaahhh what are you doing?" I stuttered through my words. He giggled, "I'm just glad that you are alright..."

"Jellal there's something you should know about yourself..." I said as he broke apart. I explained everything that master talked about including his own powers. He was quite shocked and kept quiet listening to everything that I said until to the finish. "So I'm the excalibur itself and the only way to unleashed that power is for you to drink my blood." He looked at his hand and clenched it. "If you are trying to use this power to protect the citizens, then I should be able to assist you as well."

I gasped, "Jellal..." He gave a soft smile, "I always knew that you, Gray, Natsu and your other friends including gramps, are the nicest vampires I've ever met." I couldn't take it anymore...this time I gave him a tight hug. "You're so sweet and cute Jellal!!!!" I squealed in excitement till I realize he was gasping for air.

"I can't...breath..." I immediately let go, "Sorry!" He took a few deep breaths before calming down. Soon after I yawned till he laughed seeing my mouth wide open. "I guess someone's sleepy."

I blushed, hiding my face under my hair bangs. Then he lifted me from my chair in flash and laid me down to the bed. "Get some sleep Erza." I pouted cutely, "But what about you?"

He gave a peck at my cheek, "I'll sleep at the couch over there."

"No, I'll sleep on the couch instead..." He placed his finger on my mouth, "Hhhmmmm, just sleep on the bed, okay?" He gave a wink making me fall for him even more. I can't take of his cuteness anymore!!!!!!

Fairy Tail Vampire: Jellal & Erza SpecialsWhere stories live. Discover now