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*Morgan's POV*

We walked.

And walked.

16 long, people filled, blocks lined with tall, palm trees were our only way home.

Stupid Alex has to go and slash Harry's tires as a warning. and revenge.

That brat!

I used to think she was nice. Full of compassion and honesty. Well, I was wrong. So very wrong. Alex was a user, a fraud, a fake, and a witch with a B.

I rarely curse, I think it's a form of low intelligence and ignorance. But Alex...she was just horrid.

"Morgan. Can we stop inside and grab a bite? I'm starved."

I glanced up at Harry. His messy curls were drenched in sweat and windswept, and his eyes glimmered in the sun. He wasn't too bad looking. He was kinda cute.

Or very cute.

But Shane. Shane was hot. But a convict. And a liar.

"Yeah. I am a bit parched."

I dragged my purple luggage behind me and sighed.

In/n/Out Burger.

"Really, Haz?" I chuckled.

mHis eyebrows crinkled downward in confusion.

"You take me, a girl who just left a rehab for bulimia, to a fast food burger place?"

Realization took over his sweaty features and he shook his head. "Oh Morg! I wasn't thinking! Let's find somewhere else. I'm sorry!"

Harry grabbed my hand that rested on my hip and started pulling me down the block.

His hand firmly clasped mine and caused a herd of elephants to jump into my stomach.

This feeling was....new.

It made me nervous. Almost happy.

Weird, huh?

"Harry, it's fine. I meant it light heartedly. If you want a burger, get one. I'll get a milkshake or something. You know how it is. Food is life!" I exclaimed in a joyous manner.

I hated how Harry was so sensitive around me.

It was sweet.

Something a brother would do.

"Are you sure? I-I mean we-we could-"

I giggled at him.

"It's okay, Hazzy Poo. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"Alriiight..." Harry grumbled in his deep voice.

That voice. Ughhh. Something of Harry's that I love. It's deep. Oh-so deep. And raspy and slow. Sort of tough sounding. A complete opposite of his personality. He's a kitten. Very curious, naive, and understanding. But he's also very tiger like. Harsh and demanding. You just have to know which side of him your going to trigger.

His eyes. I love those too. They say eyes are the windows to the soul. His eyes are emerald with small specks of gold floating around. They are truly gorgeous. But they're hidden behind a wall. A wall of secrets and emotion. It's so mysterious yet so intriguing.

Harry is quite wise. Like a 30 year old trapped in an 18 year old's body.

"You done staring? We're here." Harry teased, humor laced in his voice.

I blushed and nodded.

He had walked us a block down to a different food place.

We were at PAX, my old favorite salad place. Whenever my dad was home from business trips he took me here. I love it and greatly recommend it to any salad lovers.

I piled everything onto my salad from cranberries to shrimp to cucumber. I was famished. Walking twenty something blocks in the California sun does that to you.

Harry, being the square he is, just went for a simple Caesar salad. Healthy but boring.

I sat across from my step brother who was munching away on a large piece of chicken.

"nckeixuwh we djxks Going to-" Harry's voice was distorted as he talked with his mouth full of food.

"Eh ew. Chew, swallow, talk." I silenced him with a grimace.

A moment later he started again. "What are going to do about this whole gang thing? They're out to get us and Gabbi."

I shrugged and took a small bite from my scrumptious salad.

"Plan an attack. Take them down. All of them." I stated simply.

Harry's eyes bugged out. "Are you kidding? Morgan! We could get killed!"

I laughed at his seriousness. "I've fouled every single murder attack they've tried on me and Madison. Well except the most recent one. It's all about strategy."

He nodded slowly.

I continued, "Like right now they're probably -- oh my goodness."

I threw my fork down and shot up from my chair.

"Harold we have to get home. NOW!" I screeched.

"W-what? Why?" His confusion was cute but I didn't let it distract me.

"J-James. Alex. They-they are most likely at my house. Ri-ight now! Ransacking it or something."

Now I was on panic mode.

After grabbing his container of salad and shoving it into a bag, he took my hand again and started jogging with me.

It took a good half hour to get to my large, white house in the heart of Beverly Hills.

But when we ran up, sweating, and out if breath, we noticed it.

We were too late.

The door was open and my Jeep had no hubcaps.

Who knows what it looked like inside.

I don't know if I want to find out.

But I already know one thing.

This means war.


whOA morg u rly seem 2 lik hazzy poo. hmm i sense crUSH ¿

no excuse i had no motivation to write im so sorry. you all probably hate me.

this is a crappy chapter and it's short and just a filler but I thought it was kinda good whoooops

the next chappie will be intense and tie up some loose ends :))))

well I love all of you. a lot.

thanks for all the reads and votes and fans! KEEP GOING I REALLY WANT 300,000k

comment """lover boy""" if you read all this :-)

have a great day. stay weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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