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Katsuki Yuuri
(( a/n Nikiforov Yuuri 😉))

"Yuuuurrriii~", i hear a familiar voice grumble and turn the other way, "Yuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrriiiiii~ Wake up~", the voice starts to shake me but i grumble again, "Five more minutes...", im way too tired for this persons bs and they woke me up from a good dream too! i was married to Kidoh from toppdogg and we had a kid... How could you wake me?! "No can do sleeping beauty, its time for practice!", i raise an eyebrow at the word practice, practice? for what? i dont have anything to practice? I open my eyes to see Viktor standing over me on his knees on my bed with a slight pink tinting his cheeks and he quickly looks away, i then panick realising Viktors in my bed and right next to me, i jolt up and look at Viktor while my face goes red from embarassment, "V-viktor?".

"Good morning, Yuuri! Heres your glasses!", he says as my vision comes into clear while he puts my glasses on me and i blush; fuck hes cute... And hot... BUT N-NOT IN THAT WAY!!!!! "Come on Yuuri! Wheres the nearest ice rink?", he has a heart shaped smile on his face that makes my heart skip a beat while my face flushes red, "U-u-uhh.. I d-didnt realise yo-you wanted to st-start p-p-practice today...", why does he even want to practice today? of all days?, "Not neccessarily practice, i just want to be able to see what you can do! Im really excited to see you skate!", he giggles but i just sigh then get out of bed to get dressed seeming as im only wearing boxers at the moment; i forgot Viktor was there until i peered out of the corner of my eye to see him blushing red like a tomato which makes me chuckle. I put on my regular outfit i would use to jog to Hasetsu Ice Castle.

                 Time skip

Katsuki Yuuri
((a/n more like Nikiforov Yuuri 😉 i beat u to it))

I did a few jumps, a few spins, and some toe loops, y'know basically a bunch of axels and lutz's and complicated stuff like that. "That was amazing, Yuuri! How could you say you're not good at this?", i slightly flush red from embarassment at his words and was about to answer until my childhood friend Yuuko showed up and answered for me, "Yuuri used to get bullied as a kid so he always though he wasnt good enough no matter how many times me and a lot of people would tell him how good he is! Also hi, im Yuuko Nishigori! Ive known Yuuri since he was a tiny chubby little kid.", she giggles and Viktor does too; viktors laugh is the most beautiful sound ive ever heard... Wait.. What?! "You're so embarassing, Yuuko.", i groan but she just giggles at me again.

"彼のこと、好き?", She asks with a smirk making me flush red before looking at Viktor who smiles at me and i blush again. ((a/n do you like him?))
"あなたがそれを意味するようなタイプに依存します.", i roll my eyes. ((a/n depends on which type of like you mean by that.))

"馬鹿、私はあなたが彼に激怒しているのですか?", she roll her eyes again making me slightly chuckle at her mocking me. ((a/n idiot, i mean do you have a crush on him?))
"あなたは面白いです、私は彼に圧倒していません", i sigh then look at Viktor to see hes over by the front desk on his phone talking to someone in Russian, he smiles at me and i blus then look away. ((a/n You're funny, i dont have a crush on him.))

"私はそれを信じていますが、あなたは彼を愛していますか?", she says smirking; i think to myself, 'do i like him more than just a friend way? am i in love? will that explain why i feel the way i feel around him?. I shake my head of these thoughts before sighing. ((a/n i believe that, but are you in love with him?))

"We should get going, bye Yuuko.", i say shooting her a glare but she just giggles at me before Viktor gets off the phone and we start heading to the cafe we went to yesterday just so we could talk and eat. We sit down at a table and after ordering our food and drinks and start to talk, "You were really good out there, what were you skating to?", he asks then thanks the waitress after she brings us our orders and winks at her which makes her blush and giggle then walk away leaving me feeling a tad bit jealous, but why? i dont... Like him... Or.... Love him.... Ok maybe the last part i do bUT ITS NOT FOR SURE! i'd ask Phitchit but hes just gonna gloat and be like 'oOOOH I TOLD U SO'. "It was On Love: Eros, ive never really skated to it before but this was my first time skating it in front of somebody..", I chuckle nervously then take a sip of my tea, which is peach flavored, just to avoid eye contact with him.

"Whats it about?", he asks leaning his chin on the palm of his hand. I look away blushing, "Its uhh.. Uhm... About sexual love...", i start playing with my hair nervously as he smiles at me. Fuck my life...

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