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A/N: Hey guys! I love PJO and HoO so please enjoy. P.S: Play the song while reading, it fits the story!


Percy POV

I was strolling at the beach, waiting for my Wise Girl to come. I invited her to come for a date with me. Nearby a coconut tree, I heard voices. I went there to investigate. Shown through my eyes was the worst scene I saw in my whole demigod life. Jasper, son of Nike, kissing my girlfriend, or should I say ex-girlfriend, Annabeth. Jasper was a horrible boy, when he shown up at camp, he bragged about all the "heroic" things he'd done. He turned everyone against me, except for Thalia, which was busy hunting with the other hunters, and Nico, who was absent, visiting Hades. 

'Shhh, Jas,' I guess that's a nickname for Jasper, 'Percy might be here! I was supposed to meet him here.' she said. 'Oh Annie, he doesn't deserve you! You should belong to me. When are you going to dump that loser?' he sneered. 'Afterwards babe, he is stupid to believe that me, the mighty Annabeth Chase, would like him.' 'That's my babe!' cheered Jasper. I couldn't stand it. 

'Annabeth, I hope you are happy now.' I said, trembling with anger. 'I saved your now-worthless butt so many times. Falling in Tartarus with you wasn't enough. I guess our plans for the future is ruined because of you. We're history now.' She looked up in shock. 'Oh Percy, I thought you were meeting another girl, so I decided to have a fling with Jasper.' she looked at him with love in her eyes. 'How long did this happen?' I whispered. 'Um, I'm sorry Percy-' 'Oh, so you're calling me Percy now?' I challenged. She rolled her eyes. 'I am sorry Percy but I love Jasper now, you've been so horrible, stealing other camper's stuff and you needed Jasper to protect you when he was fighting the Minotaur while you were just there cowering in fright. He's much more better than you. I've been dating him for 6 months.' Jasper smirked. 'Fine, I understand. I can't believe you would believe this new camper instead of me.' I flung the ring box on the floor and ran into my cabin and started sobbing.


I was chilling at the beach when I heard screams from the pine tree. I uncapped Riptide and ran there. I saw my old friend beef head attacking a boy like my age. 

'Hey beef head! Miss me?' I taunted. It roared in anger as I plunged Riptide in its stomach as it dissolved into golden powder. The boy advanced towards me and kicked me in the stomach. He grabbed Riptide from me and stabbed me. I screamed in pain. 'HEY, HELP!' he shouted. All the campers gathered around him. 'I killed the Minotaur while this boy here, cowered in a corner. The seven was here to visit us on a break. 'I can't believe that the mighty Percy Jackson needed an unexperienced camper to help him while he's scared and cowered in a corner and got hurt.' mocked Jason. The rest of the campers agreed. 'Percy, I'm ashamed of you.' Chiron scolded me. 'Yup Percy. I feel ashamed too. You should train harder, weakling.' said Annabeth. I flinched and said, 'You can't just believe him.....' as my eyes rolled back in my head and I passed out from the wounds the boy gave me. 

I woke up in the infirmary. Will said I could leave the infirmary so I left. Whispers and looks followed me everywhere. I found out that the boy was called Jasper. And he was a son of Nike. I asked Annabeth if she wanted to go for a walk with me. 'No Percy, I'm busy.' she said. When was she busy to go out with me? And when did she start calling me Percy? I kept my suspicions to myself. 


I decided to chat with my mom and Paul. I Iris-messaged them but instead I saw their bodies on the floor with dried blood splattered on the ground. Tears spilled from my eyes. I saw a message written on the wall. It read:

Dear Percy,

Did you like my present? Puny mom and stepdad you've got there. Haha! Hope you liked my present! Toodles!

Your friend,   


I wanted to strangle him, but he avoided me every time. One morning, Poseidon flashed in my cabin. 'I, POSEIDON, GOD OF THE SEA AND CREATOR OF HORSES, HEREBY DISOWNED PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON, FOR MURDERING HIS MOM AND STEPDAD! I WILL TAKE BACK ANAKLUSMOS FROM PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON.' he bellowed. 'How could you simply accuse me? Jasper did it not-' I protested. 'SILENCE! JASPER SAW YOU KILLING THEM! I'M ASHAMED OF YOU!' he said before flashing out. Great, just great, I thought. 

Flashback end

The next few days, I spent my whole days in my cabin, living off some energy bars after I felt sick of them. I felt like shit. I decided, I could just kill myself, no one would miss me. So I took out a dagger and I stabbed myself in the heart. I lay on the floor, the light fading from my eyes as I drifted into peace.

Nico POV

Me and Thalia decided to visit Percy, we brought a present for him. As we asked Annabeth, who was kissing a boy I didn't know, she said that he was in his cabin. Weird. Things must have changed when I last visited. When we reached the Poseidon cabin, blood trickled slowly from the door. Thalia and I banged on the door until it burst open. 'Oh my gods! PERCY!' we screamed. He was dead, lying on the floor.

Random camper's POV

We were summoned to Olympus. Zeus said,'We decided to kill Percy Jackson, because of his power. He is too powerful to live. Raise your hands if you want to kill him.' Everyone raised their hand except for Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo, Hestia, Hades and Hermes. 'I am king and I vote for him to die! Hermes, bring the victim here.' Hermes reluctantly nodded, and disappeared in a flash. He returned, his face pale. In his arms..... a body flopped around lifelessly. It was Percy! Thalia and Nico was howling and weeping. Hermes placed Percy gently on the ground. Even Zeus looked pale. 'Iris, show me how he died.' Zeus said. Iris showed him the flashback, from the fight to Percy's suicidal scene. Percy looked at peace now. We made a humble burial for him and Thalia and Nico prayed for him.

Percy Jackson, the best hero to live, is dead.

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