The Judgement

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  • Dedicated to all writers

Percy pov

Cold silver eyes... so much like gray. Two similar eyes but not two similar people... I was snapped out of my thoughts as Artemis's voice rose-"So you sompleted training Jackson, you are just a simple boy a worthless toy, what do you want, why do you request an audieance with me" I replied"I came across your tent as I was escaping that disgraceful camp. They have betrayed my and I will not go back to that camp for my entire life. " Very well" replied Lady Artemis" We shall take the boy to Olympus to be judged by the council as to what he will do next with his insubstantial life." "come let us go to Olympus huntressess The Council is about to judge the fate of this boy." 


We finally made it to the empire state building as the camp was quite far away from Olympus but the huntressess could run fast and after training with them for a month I could almost match their speed. I opened the door for them and we shuffled in and saw the extremely annoying security guard son of Ares of couse who refused to let us through. After Lady Artemis burned his book of names in which he recorded every demigod or immortal that walked through the elevator doors, he gave us the key albiet with a grudging face. The annoying elevator music started at once as we stepped inside the elevator. Perhaps Apollo specifically wanted to annoy Artemis and her hunresses but by the time we camee to the 600th floor the huntresses and Artemis lokked ready to explode after hear love songs for the last ten minutes. As we wntered Olympus, the grand white doors with many carvings  of the great greek gods and their deeds covering it automaticly opened sensing demigod and godly auras in front of it . The second the doors opened, our ears were assualted with the dounds of many gods arguing and in general fighting about the slightest things and many major problems such MARRIAGE(ZUES AND HERA),WISENESS(ATHENA AND POSIEDON)PLANTS AND KIDNAPPING(DEMETER AND HADES AND AWESOMENESS(HERMES AND APOLLO) With the gods arguing like toddlers that lost thier favorite toy the gods were all throwing 'tantrums' like they did not have millenias of experience balencing the world and making key desicions about the world.

 dont own the charecters just the plot 

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