Life changes

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The effect that Pheobes's visit had on the hunters was shocking. Instead of being coldhearted and man hating as they were before the welcomed me cordially almost treating me as one of their own. They called me percy instead of Perseus or boy: they had changed towards me all except for their leader Artemis. She remained as unmovable as a rock as her attitude towards me. She barely tolerated me much less welcomed me to the hunt. I wish I could have won her acceptance at that point but I was just glad to have finally found a family that would respect me accept me and love me but most importantly never betray me as most of them had been betrayed by someone that they loved at some point and knew what it felt like to feel like the lowest scum on earth and to feel that their life is worth nothing to the people they loved. They understand me. Family should understand you no matter what happens and I knew that the hunters would stay behind me no matter what: but Artemis stayed as unmovable as a mountain.

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