Chapter 10 - Ambush

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Chapter 10 - Ambush


As the Silverborn rode uninterrupted for the duration of the next day, Skye couldn't help but feel they were being watched. 

It perched on the back of her neck as a prickling sensation that wouldn't go away. She felt constantly agitated, something that even a solid grip on her new sword's hilt couldn't fix. To counter it, she kept a constant watch over the treeline, wondering if her newfound magic would give her any forewarning of an attack while doing her best to stay on Alida's back. 

Twilight fell. The air remained silent. 

Alida seemed to know the drill. At the sound of a two-note blast from the horn, the grey mare slowed her steady canter to a walk with the rest of the Silverborn milling around her. Skye gave a lost glance at Jesse, hoping he'd have an explanation for her. He smiled and pointed at the gorgeous mare Tayne rode some metres away. 

"They're making a decision," said Jesse. "Probably about whether we're taking the usual route, or the old highway." 

It was the first Skye had heard of it. "What's the difference?"

Jesse scratched his head. "Usual route means we won't get back before the shadow cycle starts and we'll get swarmed with demons, but the old highway was closed because demons loved the area, so we'll probably get swarmed with demons there too. But it's quicker," he added. 

"I guess I'll get the chance to see how good these things are then," said Skye, tapping the pommel of her sword, shortly dropping her hand to the dagger's sheath Tayne had been reluctant to give her. 

Jesse's eyes went wide. "Uh, yea... If we do end up in a fight, Tayne will probably keep us two in the middle of the group." Skye raised an eyebrow at that, which led to a series of frantic hand movements on Jesse's behalf. "No, no! Not like that, just because, well..." He trailed off, gesturing to her arms and shoulders. "Well, you're not exactly in, um, an ideal condition to fight. Being a prisoner for weeks doesn't really--"

Skye cut the painful truth off before she had to hear it out loud. 

"I get it, Jesse." 

"Skye! Wait!" 

She turned Alida's head away without being entirely sure where she was heading. She just couldn't be near the words that her mind kept regurgitating into her thoughts surrounded by her degraded body. 

Prisoner. Captive. Useless, helpless, broken. 

Her hand went to her shoulder. 


Skye kept her head up, lest the Silverborn that glanced at her when she rode past figure out her internal turmoil. She found herself at the edge of the group, gazing out into the dense forest beyond. 

The prickling sensation evolved. 

Something wasn't right. 

Her hand flew to her ribs as imaginary claws raked along a trunk. She winced as something small and furry was crushed underfoot with little regard. She heard the sharp crack of a branch as it was knocked clean off its mother. 

"They're here," breathed Skye. 

Then, logic taking over, she twisted in Alida's saddle, looking for Tayne among the sea of silver knights. 


When Tayne heard Skye's warning, he didn't question it. He'd felt eyes on them for the last hour and wasn't surprised to hear it confirmed. 

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