Chapter 8 - Infection

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Chapter 8 - Infection


Under Luke's orders, the Silverborn made it out of Darni. 

Not for the first time, Tayne thanked whatever deity it'd been that'd given him his second-in-command. When Tayne was struggling to stay above the shock of nearly getting Jesse killed, needing a moment without the burden of leader clinging to him, Luke had picked up his slack without question, organising and herding the Silverborn out through Darni's gates in Alguarde's direction. 

They didn't stop as the twilight shroud gave way to nightfall, pausing only for a brief respite an hour before the dawn. None of the Silverborn complained, eager to be as far away from Darni as possible when the Master realised what they'd done. Other than Jesse, they'd taken no injuries, and it was a record Tayne was eager to keep for this cycle's series. 

However as nightfall was upon them once more, Tayne knew they had to stop. They might be Silverborn, but even they couldn't push themselves three days without some kind of substantial rest. 

Tayne's decision was further encouraged when Callum pulled his horse up beside Wing and held out a silver sphere. As Tayne took it, he could already feel the Whisper embedded into it. 

Callum's pre-recorded voice floated inside his mind. It'd be appreciated if we could stop soon. I'd like to examine the elf again, see if her condition has changed. What little I did at Darni won't tide her over until we reach Alguarde.

Tayne focused his energy on the sphere, imprinting his own Whisper into it before passing it back. Can do. He paused a second, considering where they were. There should be an area up ahead we can stop for the night, next to the river. Fresh water for everyone, including your patient. 

He passed the sphere back. Callum nodded his understanding a second after and drifted back into the main group of Silverborn. 

The sound of the Deity's river soon came into range. It was an odd name, but Wrain claimed it was because the river was the first and largest, the water deity's original life-giving gift to the mortal realm. However, he'd also said that it'd once been pristine, kept pure by the deity's influence when in truth, Tayne wouldn't touch it before putting it through their filters. 

Tayne drew the horn from its pouch on his saddle and lifted it to his lips, blowing out two clear, staccato notes. The Silverborn gave their acknowledgement around him by raising an arm twice in quick succession. 

Satisfied, Tayne replaced the horn. A few minutes later, the Silverborn were milling around the partially cleared area setting up camp for the night with the river at their back and a thinly sparsed forest around them. 

As everyone knew their tasks without him telling them specifically, Tayne assisted a few Silverborn with their set up before making his way over to where Callum had unpacked the elf. The grey mare they'd chosen for her calm, sturdy nature remained perfectly still while Jesse and Luke set about undoing the ropes used to lash the elf to the mare's back. 

With the ropes off, Luke cradled the elf's upper body and Jesse took her legs. The elf didn't resist, still as unconscious as she'd been when they'd left Darni nearly two days ago now. Her body stayed exactly where they placed it on the bedroll, moved only by her shallow breathing. 

Callum glanced up from his medical bag as Tayne approached before going back to the various vials it contained. His face was grim. 

"How she's survived, I don't know," Callum muttered as he selected a green liquid. "Whatever she is, Sentinel or not, she's strong. I'll give her that."

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