A Hidden memory

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As my mind slowly faded and death had finally grasped me, my life's history began to play, like a movie revealing everything I have ever remembered, as well as everything I had ever forgotten.

The flash back started with a little boy holding a woman's hand as they walked together on a narrow road leading through the forrest. I could not see the faces but I could tell it was a mother and son.

They walked happily together while laughing and talking to one another. They walked until they reached a little cottage which seemed to be their home. It was a lovely place but it seemed very isolated, and very lonely. I wonder why.

The mother began cooking as the son played with his toys until someone came into the house.

It was a man and the woman warmly greeted him with a hug and kiss. It must be the husband. Oddly, it was quite difficult to see what he looked like , the only thing I knew was that he was a man, I couldn't tell what his appearance looked like at all which made me a bit weary.

The story like movie fast forwarded showing the mother now pregnant and then the mother with a child, a little girl to be exact. I could see the little girl perfectly, but the mothers face was blurred and the little boy's back was always facing me so I couldn't see his face and the father was also a mystery. But the little girl, she was in no way hiding her appearance.

The baby's eyes sparkled green. As the little boy happily took care of his baby sister for many years, creating a strong loving bond with her.

In a way, these people had a perfect family kind of feel to them until one day the son suddenly left and the mother cried but couldn't do anything about it. A few weeks later there was a loud knock on their door.

There were some villagers with pitch forks and torches. The mother looked worriedly around to her husband. The husband said something to her and the mother ran down to the basement with the little girl and then came back out with out the child. A certain seal had been made, an enchantment of protection.

A man broke down their door and marched to the mother yelling at her asking about what he did with the little boy who had left her house a few weeks ago. The mother cried but refused to say a word.

The man, angered by her refusal to cooperate, threatened her by saying he will kill her husband. The husband told his wife that no matter what they must protect the children so the woman continued to stay quite.

Then it happened, the threats stopped, and the actions were taken. The man snapped his fingers and the husband began burning alive in flames. Those flames were no ordanairy flames though, they were flames from hell that had risen up to the surface, engulfing the husband alive.

The wife screamed while cupping her mouth. She went to run and help her dearly beloved but the man did not allow her. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out with him. She screamed and punched but there wasn't a thing she could do, for she used all of her power to protect her dear child who was down in the basement.

Soon the house fell silent and as time passed the house slowly grew older and forgotten as the little girl stayed there all alone and by herself.

This once happy family was torn apart, all falling one by one, like the petals of a once blossomed flower.

Although this was supposed to be a flash back of my life story from my point of view, it seemed like this was someone else's memories. If it is my flash back shouldn't I see myself?

The movie like dream slowly began fading into white but just before everything faded out the little boy was shown once again, still with his back facing me, it was hard to see but I could still make out the picture.

The little boy turned his head, looking over his shoulder then the view changed angles, showing the kids face.
He was shown half in the dark and half in the light and his appearance was also divided in half.

On one side he had blue eyes and blonde hair, while on the other side he and black hair and red I eyes.

He was a monster, a mistake. He was worse than a vampire, he was a newly born demon, the only one of his kind. He, was me.



Hey guys sorry it was short but this chapter was suppossed to be a flash back of only one part of his memory. I know it was a very vauge description, I did that for a reason. I hope you still enjoyed it, belive it or not this chapter, though it may not seem that interesting, has a very big secret to behind it which will be discovered later on in the story so please bear with me. I love you guys! and thanks for reading!


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