The Grill, and a Heartbreaking Death

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We walked out of the car and Lexi and I rolled our eyes with amusement."Humans still aren't very creative...." I said. "They really couldn't have had a different name. 'The Mystic Grill' really how original." She said the last part sarcastically. We walked in after Stefan and the place was packed, the ones who weren't drunk or not paying attention whistled at me or stared there jaws dropping and mouths open. I smirked, 'If they don't close there mouths they're going to catch flies' I thought. "You find us a pool table, I'll get the drinks..." Lexi said and walked to the bar. Stefan and I walked over and we started playing pool, naturally I'm winning. "Where's Lexi?" I stopped what I was doing and looked to the bar where she was talking to Elena or doppelbitch as I call her. She's a Petrova it's bound to rub off. "Found her." Stefan followed my line of sight and stared at Elena then back to his shot. "I've seen that look. You really like her don't you?" I smirked knowingly because I know that look well, it's the look he used to give me. I can tell he loves her even if they haven't known each other long. He slowly tore his gaze from his shot to me standing with a smirk, he slowly nodded and my face broke into a huge smile. "Then why are you standing here with me? Go get her." He looked at me with a smile and shook his head. "You are so nosy." He said and I just nodded this made him laugh. Lexi came back with the liquor. "She's not that bad...." She trailed off looking at Stefan and he took his drink, downed and walked over to the doppelgänger. Klaus is bound to find out about this. "Really what's she like?" I asked while watching her shoot. "She's incredibly sweet, she's not a bitch surprisingly." She said I scoffed and got into position to take my winning shot. "Please. She's a Petrova, she'll be ending up a bitch just like her ancestors. She'll be two-timing Stefan and Damon before you know it and they won't even realize it. She's gonna be a mini Katherine with a bit of passion." I said while taking the winning shot. "Damn. How bad was it?" "Pretty bad." I said throwing back a shot. "I think we need more booze." She said with a wink and went to the to the bar to compel the bartender for our drinks. I smiled while some teenager came up to me. "Hey Gorgeous, I'm Tyler. What's your name?" He said trying to be charming. "Not Interested." I said and walked away. The boys erupted into cheers and Tyler had a pissed off look on his face. Apparently people don't say no to him and with that I smirked and left because Lexi wasn't there anymore. I found Stefan standing with Elena and decided that ask. "Stef!!" He turned. "Have you seen Lexi. She kind of disappeared." Then we heard a noise around the corner and we looked and saw Lexi being dragged by some police they tried to stake her but she kicked down and Damon came and staked her in the chest I screamed and Stefan covered my mouth. But I was still screaming. "LEXI,NO" I watched as the head sheriff thanked Damon. "I'll take care of the body. You go ahead." It was then that I snapped. I was furious. I sped to the boarding house and got a blood bag and whiskey. I stared in the fire. Then the person I wanted to kill most walked through. "Nessa look. It's not what it looks like..." "Really. Because it looked like you stabbed one of my best friends. She was there when you weren't and you killed her." "I am so sorry that I hurt you I never meant to. They have a vampire council here and we had to lead them away from us. They thought there was a new vampire in town and I couldn't let them think of us. I had to gain their trust. " I was getting ready to attack him and the voice I wanted to hear most sounds. "You never piss her off Damon. I thought you knew that." I turned sharply around not wanting to believe it. "Lexi..." She smiled and opened her arms. "H-how are you here? He k-killed you?" I started sobbing in her shoulder and she just held me. "It's okay. He didn't kill me he just temporarily paralyzed me which wasn't comfortable by the way. I thought you knew stakes didn't work. But then I would've thought the same thing that you did. And besides I could never leave you. We have to be there for each other." I nodded and just sat there crying tears that will never fall. I was still mad at Damon and won't be very forgiving.

A couple days later and I was at the school waiting for Stefan. Lexi had to flee so the council wouldn't get suspicious which made me sad. But at least she's 'alive'. Stefan and I were planning on going to the grill and I wanted to walk. "Hey I thought I was meeting you there?" Stefan said and three girls followed. Elena politely smiled. One was staring with envy. The other one had her eyes narrowed and looked jealous and mad. "I wanted walk there and I thought you could join me." I simply and politely said. "Hi. I'm Bonnie. Nice to meet you." The girl who was staring at me said. She put her hand out for me to shake. I took it and her eyes were suddenly fearful. Awww she's a witch. "Don't worry sweetie. I won't hurt you." I said with a smile. She nodded quickly. "This is Caroline." Elena said since the other was glaring daggers in my head. "Hello Caroline, Bonnie it's nice to meet you two. I'm Vanessa." Bonnie smiled feeling slightly better. But Caroline still doesn't like me. Oh well I don't care. "What about my car. I can't leave it." He said. "Well I'll call Damon. He'd be more than willing to do it." I said. Then Caroline spoke up for the first time. "Why would Damon do that?" She said with disgust. Well she doesn't like Damon. "Watch this." I pulled out my phone and dialed Damons number and put it on speaker so they could hear. "Hello." Damon answered. "Hey, do you think you could come by the school and get Stefs' car. I wanna walk to the Grill and we can't just leave it. Please for me." I said the last part in a puppy voice. He sighed "Fine I'll do it for you. Where do you want it?" He said and I smirked in victory. Voice back to normal. "The Grill please. Thanks Dames. Love you." "Love you too Nessie." He hung up and I looked at the group and they had their mouths open in astonishment while Stefan had a grin on his face and was shaking his head. "That's how it's done." I told them and Caroline immediately warmed up to me. "Forget what I said I love you!!" She squealed and I laughed. Bonnie spoke "How did you do that he doesn't do anything for anyone?" She said with the other two quickly agreeing. "She has him wrapped around her finger. She's the only one he actually acts like that to and does something when she asks." Stefan said with a gleaming grin. "Woah" They said. "Would you like to come to the Grill with us?" I asked they nodded and Caroline looped my arm with hers and started walking away with Bonnie in my other side and Elena and Stefan following. When we got there Stefans' car was there and we walked in and Damon has a table for us. He waved us over and I slid in next to him and he gave me a hug. Caroline sat next to me and Stefan was in front of Me, Elena in front of Caroline and Bonnie in front of Damon. We talked for hours they asked me a million and one questions they all know about Vampires and Stefan and I told them about our previous relationship and Elena tensed at first and then she relaxed after saying we were just like siblings. Damon said he should've stuck with me so he could have Katherine too low for others to hear unless with vamp-hearing. At nine-thirty we departed to all go home and I left with three new friends.

The Unmatched Beauty (Twilight/TVD Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora