Planning and School

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Stefans birthday is coming up. Me and Lexi are going to Mystic Falls. We haven't seen him in so long. I'm going downstairs to tell Esme. I walk in the living room and Em and Jazz are watching football. Rose and Ali are redecorating Roses closet. Eddie is hunting because he didn't go with us yesterday. Carlisle is in his office. Esme is in the Kitchen so that's where I'm heading. I found her reading a book. When I entered she looked up and saw who it was, a smile spread across her face. "Hi, Sweetie. What's up?" She asked. She has the most motherly tone it made a smile spread across my face. "Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving for about week or so with Lexi. It's Stefans' birthday and even though we haven't celebrated with him these past couple years we want to surprise him. So we're going to Mystic Falls, he moved back there a couple months ago." "Aw, that's so sweet. When are you leaving?" She could see the happiness in my face when I mention Stefan and Lexi. I haven't seen Nik in awhile. I don't know where he is. Probably trying to break that damn curse. He told me all about his plans before they were even started. "Well tomorrow I'm going to go pick up Lexi, then we're headed for Mystic Falls." She looked at me. "We'll be careful. I don't want anything to happen." "Always am. I'm prepared for anything." She chuckled. "That you are. Well still be careful. Tell Lexie I said Hello and Stefan Happy Birthday." "Will do. Love you Mom" I kissed her cheek and pulled her in for a hug. "I love you too" I pulled back and walked no flashed to my room. Once there I packed my clothes and sat down. As soon as I did the phone rang. I answered all ready knowing who it was. "Well hello." "Hi. So what time will you be here tomorrow?" "When I get there." She chuckled. "You're mysterious, Nes." "You're crazy, Lex." We laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow. Love you" "Love you too." I hung up. Alice danced into my room and sat down with a pout. "Come in." I said sarcastically. She huffed and I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong, Ali?" "You thought you could leave without telling me." She stated. "Well I was waiting for someone to ask." Which was the truth. I'm sure no one would notice till I was gone except Edward,Alice,Esme, and Carlisle who would notice immediately. Jazz would notice because of Alice and Edwards' mood and my lack of involvement and Rose and Emmett would notice when they came out of there Bedroom."What do you think I'm doing?!! I would notice in a heartbeat." I started smiling like an idiot because of her choice of words. "Oh shut up!" She snapped. "Sorry." 'Not sorry' I said in my head. "So when are you leaving?" "Tomorrow." "Tomorrow! How could you leave me alone with them?!" I, of course knew she was referring to Rosalie and Emmett. They're very physically active in there relationship. They know more about their bodies than about each other, I'm sure. They've always been bad about making noise. It was hard to be in a 5-mile radius for quite a few decades. It's gotten better but it's still hard. " You'll be fine! You've got Jazz, Eddie, Esme, and Carlisle! So CALM down!" I retorted. I heard Jasper and Edward laughing in the doorway. They look like they've seen the whole thing. But that's not why I'm irritated. "Does no one knock anymore?!" They all started laughing. I threw a pillow at all of them with precise aim. They stopped laughing and I was sitting with a victorious smirk. Jasper matched my smirk. "You've declared war." Next thing  we know is we're downstairs with feathers from pillows everywhere. Alice threw a pillow at an unsuspecting Emmett who just walked in and he too started playing. He tackled me to the ground after I hit him in the face twice, one after the other. Rosalie walked in after Emmett but huffed in annoyance and quickly flashed upstairs. "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!" Esme walked in on us laughing and goofing off and wasn't happy seeing all her pillows destroyed. But you could see happiness in her eyes along with annoyance at our behavior. "He/She started it!" We all said at once pointing at different people. We all laughed. As did Esme. "If you're going to play and horse around go outside." She ordered "Sorry Mom" We said then went outside. "Anyone up for a fight?" Jazz said with enthusiasm. Emmett immediately reacted to that. "Prepare to get your ass kicked." He said mischievously. "You know Em, for all that talk you do, when is it actually gonna happen?" He scowled at me. Everyone laughed including Rose. "Love ya" I said. He rolled his eyes playfully. We all watched as Jazz and Em were fighting. Jazz won in a matter of seconds and Em started cussing violently. "My turn." Eddie said his eyes lighting up with each word. Eventually Edward got the upper hand because he cheated. Not that I object. "Move over loser." I shoved Eddie playfully. He faked hurt with a hand over his frozen heart and a gasp. " You hurt my feelings. How dare you?!" He said faking outrage. We laughed. I looked at Jazz extended my hand palm up and curled my fingers twice. He ran at me as did I. He tried to get his arms around me but I jumped over him. He jumped I ducked. He managed to grab my hand but I quickly shocked him just enough to make his grip loose which gave me enough time to grip his arms and put my teeth at his neck. "'Never turn your back on your enemy'" I quoted his words from when he said them to all of us a long time ago he smiled at me and I let go. The others were laughing and Em spoke up. " Finally! Someone kicked ass!"He said. "Yeah that someone was not you. Who was it? Oh yeah *cough* me *cough*" Everyone laughed and he playfully glared. I smiled and winked at him. Some would think I was Emmetts' mate the way we act together but we're like siblings and friends in one. We both act the same but I'm much more mature I'm only goofy around family and my best friends. Daylight was starting to creep in the sky. We went back inside I sat on the couch with Alice her tiny head in my lap. Jazz was watching a movie on his laptop and Eddie was staring outside thinking God knows what. His mind is so weird when it functions on himself. I was talking to Ali on different things finally she jumped up and I stared at her while she looked at me with excitement. " Time to go pick out our outfits!" Ali and I do this almost everyday. We both got showers and Alice came back. We walked to my closet and got a simple yet adorable outfit put together. It's a floral cold shoulder loose fitting top. Dark wash jeans and black peep toe boot heels. We loosely curled my hair. Alice applied a neutral smokey eye and baby pink lips. Not that we need makeup we just like to do it.

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