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*Warning-Sexual Moments in this Chapter.
I was currently walking through the woods having just finished my dinner, when I heard a voice I never could forget. A heavy British accent spoke from behind me. "Hello Darling. Now tell me what is a gorgeous little thing like you doing in the woods all by yourself on a full moon. It's very dangerous this time of night." I turned around and saw the one and only Kol Mikealson. Brown hair, Chocolate brown eyes, and his famous smirk. "I thought you were in a box." My voice seemed to shock him. I don't think he knew who I was. I think I was supposed to be his next meal."Vanessa Marie" he said. "Kol Mikealson" I retorted. He stepped closer, looked at me. Then gave me a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever. It's been too long. You are never allowed to leave again without seeing me first."he said while hugging me tightly. " Well considering you go and do something stupid every time I visit and wind back up in a box. I don't think you really get a choice." I said while pulling away. "Haha, very funny" he said sarcastically. "So what brings you here?" He questioned with a smirk. "Funny you mentioned it. Nik told me to come back to stay with him for awhile since he misses his best friend." His eyes practically lit up and his smirk widened. "Perfect" He said. *A couple day later* A knock sounded at the door. "Come in" Rebekah entered and sat on my bed and stared at me. "What do you need?" "Why do you think every time I come to you I need something?" She stated rather than questioned. "Because you usually do." I retorted. She scoffed and rolled her eyes but continued anyway. "Nik is threatening to kill the boy I have been seeing...."She said slowly like I was a two year old. "And...." "Well since your his best friend I thought you could talk him out it." "Beks I don't-" She cut me off. "But he only listens to you!" She gave me the puppy dog eyes she knows I can't refuse. "Fine I will talk to him when he returns." "Thank you thank you thank you!!!!"She squealed with delight. "Your Welcome" There was a knock at the door and Kol came in. "Hello love, I came to see what you are doing." Rebekah got up winked at me and walked out shutting the door behind her. Okay that was weird. Kol sat beside me and looked at me with something in his eyes I can't read. I thought about using my mental manipulation but as soon as I did his eyes switched from my eyes to my lip which I was biting on. He slowly lifted his thumb to my bottom lip and gently pulled it out from between my teeth. "Kol what are you doing? Is everything okay?" Kol ignored me and kept his focus on my face eyes flashing from eyes to lips and back. Finally he spoke "Listen Vanessa, I really like you. I have for quite sometime, and I honestly can't take this anymore. I-" He was cut short  by my lips on his, he seemed taken back but when I pulled away he quickly reattached his lips to mine just more urgently this time and filled with love and adoration. We pulled back breathing hard, even though it is not necessary. We looked in each other's eyes. Then Rebekah opened the door. "Klaus is here. Come on show time. Work your magic." Kol looked like he was going to kill Bekah. If only looks could kill she'd be way underground. She pulled out of the room and stopped. "He is in the living room. Now go." She ordered. "Ok,ok I'm going. Bossy." I said but muttered the last part under my breath even though I knew she could hear me. Klaus was getting himself a drink and had just sat down when I entered. "Hello love" he said. "Hi" I sat next to him. He looked as if he knew what was coming. "Go ahead rant. I'm listening." He said. "So a little birdie told me you were going to kill her boyfriend." "Is this little birdie named Rebekah?" He said somewhat annoyed. "Maybe" I said and continued. "So why do you want to kill him?" "You know I don't like it when my sister has boyfriends that are incredibly stupid and not good enough for her." " Well then give him a chance you don't even know him maybe he'll turn out like Marcellus. She seems serious about this one she asked me to beg you for his life." "She says that about all her boyfriends." "But you never give them a chance. You always assume and she ends up getting hurt." "I only want what's best for her. Don't give me that look. I know what your thinking. 'Everyone deserves a chance' Yeah well not everyone gets it." I gave him the puppy eyes with a quivering lip. He looked at me and saw what I was doing. "Not gonna work this time" He sang. So I decided it was time for tears. A single tear fell down my face. When he looked at me I knew I had won. "Oh alright. I won't kill him. But if he ruins the chance deals off." "Fine by me" I said. Kissed his cheek and left the room. I told Rebekah and walked to my room but in the way their someone snaked their arms around my waist and pulled me into their room. I turned around to find Kol. He looked down at me and started talking. "So about that Kiss....."He trailed off. I just looked at him. "What about it?" "Can we do it again or are we forbidden by your mind?" I said nothing. "That's what I thought" He said. "Do you need something else or is that it?" He smirked at me. "For someone that kissed me first, she sure seems to want to act like nothing happened." "I only did that to make you shut up."I lied. The truth is I think I've always liked Kol. Like I'm gonna tell him that. He chuckled. "Your extremely cute when your embarrassed." "Thanks" I said. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine but I covered them up so he wouldn't notice. "There are other ways you can thank me." He said moving his hands down my arms and stopping on my waist. The truth is I liked it. He then started leaving trails of light kisses from under my ear to my collar bone. When he kissed his way to my lips he whispered against them. "Now tell me you don't feel anything. Answer truthfully."He tried compelling me but that didn't work. "Please answer honestly." I can't believe I gonna say this. "I kind of think I've always felt something." That was enough for him. He vamp-sped me to the bed. Ripped my dress off and pushed me down, I did the same to his suit, and flipped us over and I was on top, his tongue exploring my mouth, my hands tracing his abs. I left open kisses down his jaw line, neck, chest, torso. You know how the rest goes. When I was done he flipped me so he was on top left kisses everything threw the rest of my clothes off and made his way down. He started teasing which earned a glare from me and a smirk from him. You know how the rest of it goes. We didn't stop until 5:45am the next morning. We were laying in his bed. I was tracing his chest. He was playing with my hair. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this." He said then nibbled on my ear. "Mmmmm" I mumbled. We sat there the whole day just talking. He asked what I've done since the last time I saw him. I told him about the engagement and wedding that never happened. He was ready to kill him but then I told him he was already dead and he said "I hope he went to hell." I asked him what he has done besides blood binges. He said he's been in a box the other part of the time and I started laughing. "There's nothing funny about being in a box with a dagger in my heart." "Actually if you would've not done stupid shit this could've happened sooner...."I trailed off in a sing-song voice. "Your right. Now your never leaving. So I've yet to formally ask. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said then kissed my neck, and cheek. "I think that would be alright." I leaned back and pulled his face to mine attaching our lips he was asking permission by swiping his tongue on my bottom lip and before I could do anything Rebekah stormed in the room with a happy expression. Kol quickly pulled the covers higher up my chest. Rebekah stared at us then broke into a grin. "I told you this would happen sooner or later. So talking about this later." She said pointing her finger at me. She stalked out. Kol turned to me "What exactly did she tell you?" He said with am eyebrow raised. "Nothing." He frowned at me so I knew he knew I was lying. "Well she was visiting in 1647.....
Rebekah pulled up in front of my house. We squealed when we saw each other and ran into each other's arms. "My goodness, I've missed you so much." "I've missed you too" "I've been looking forward to this for weeks. Ever since you told me you were coming. Come in,Come in." That night we sat in the living room with blood and whiskey our favorite. Just catching up "So how are your siblings?" "Well I ran from Nik he killed another of my boyfriends I had been dating for two years and he just didn't give a damn about my feelings. So I thought I'd come visit my sister. The only sibling who loves me." "That's not true they love you. They're all just stubborn." We chuckled. "Elijah is currently helping keep Niklaus in check from being pissed that Katerina Petrova escaped even though it's been 200+ years. Elijah fell in love with her and he was upset that he wasn't the one to help her. He still feels guilty. Finn is still daggered so.....that leaves the one that is in love you." I started choking on my drink and stared at her in disbelief. She looked at me knowingly. "What did you say?" "Sweets, Kol has been in love you since he met you. When he's not doing something he thinks about you. When he is in the same room he stares at you. His eyes and mind never leave you." " Mhm" "Fine. Mark my words you will be together one day and I'll say I told you say." I shook my head at her. Even after we were done talking about it. I still thought about it. Maybe what she said is true. But it'll never happen.
"Wow" He said very amused. "What" I questioned. "You do know every word she said was true." "I don't believe you." "Fine. Use your mental manipulation. I kind of have to tell you the truth considering your the most powerful vampire in the world." "Okay....." I touched his face "Tell me if you have loved me since we met..." His eyes grew cloudy. "I have loved you since Nik first told me about you. Meeting you just made it more real." He blinked his eyes returned to normal. I was smirking and he looked at me with so much love I never wanted this day to end.

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