Chapter 18

111 11 3

Shinkiro's POV

(A/N: A little treat to those who've waited this long for my accursed update)

I glance down at Kami's unconscious figure in my arms. My eyes tracing her features with ardor. Heaven only knows how long it would take for me to see her again.

I memorize the feel of her in my arms. The moonlight that dances in her hair. The sunset that faded behind her eyes. The sadness in the creases of her palms. Her scent which held a promise of eternal happiness.

I immediately snap out of my daze upon sensing Kurai approaching. The telltale shift in the shadows herald his arrival before he emerged in his smoke-like form. He was there but not quite so.

"All is well, my lord?" Kurai asks upon seeing my beloved in my embrace. I take an unnecessarily deep breath and exhale. He narrows his eyes at my actions but say nothing.

I was simply dragging out the inevitable but he knew better than to point it out.

I almost barked out a mocking laugh. A great and powerful Ayakashi, acting anything but my age. I felt disgusted at my actions, self-loathing filled the hollows in my chest.

Pathetic, even for you Shinkiro

"I have erred in my decisions and actions, Kurai...and she has paid the price with her life" I answer gravely and I know I spoke the truth.

"But she lives, my lor--" I cut him off with a shake of my head, withholding a sneer.

"Such is not the case, I'm afraid. I decided to linger close by so that I may have the joy of seeing her everyday...and yet this has caused suspicions to raise and my scent to linger on her. Ayakashi will continue to target her despite not knowing what she means to me. I cannot risk it and put her life on the line" I answer quietly. My true intentions threatened to bubble over but caught myself.

I may have lapsed in my judgment for the last few years but I certainly haven't gotten that far into the deep end.

"I could never live with myself should any harm befall her" I add as I push away a few stray strands of her raven hair.

Kurai stays silent, as if carefully threading his words.

"What do you propose we do now, my lord"

I clear my throat before replying, my voice steely with resolve

"What I should have done in the first place"

I refuse to be weakened like this. It is most unbecoming.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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