Chapter 8

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"Do you believe those stories...Grandma?" queried a young girl seated next to a woman. Both of them wore kimonos as they sat in the middle of a cherry blossom grove. The beautiful petals weaved through the air as wind whistled through the branches.

The woman was clad in a yellow kimono and dark brown obi. She seemed to be no older than 40, showing she had aged gracefully. Her dark hair had several streaks of silver pulled back from her regal face in a bun secured by an elegantly crafted pin. Her eyes were almost nonexistent since her pupils were barely visible save for their light blue tint and dark iris. She graced her companion with a smile in response.

The little girl had gorgeous raven hair which framed her metallic blue eyes which glinted like cold steel in the bright afternoon light. Her frame was wrapped with a blue kimono and secured by a spotless white obi.

It had been ten years. Ten years since that night. Ten years...and yet nothing out of the ordinary.

The woman smiled at the thought as she glanced at her precious granddaughter.

The woman placed a hand on the child's head and smoothed her dark locks with a nostalgic expression.

"I believe that will have to wait for another time my little mirror." She finally spoke.

She stood up and smoothed her kimono before glancing back at her granddaughter.

"Would you like to come inside? I made a batch of dango and some onigiri earlier and peppermint tea...your favorite" she spoke kindly. She recieved a pout.

"I'd like to stay here a little while longer Obaa-chan" the girl replied. Her voice was like a chime of bells and soothing in nature.

She showed her grandmother a cluster of flowers.

"I want to make a flower crown...Ojii-chan told me to take a day off from my studies" she added.

Indeed, she never experienced the delights of an ordinary life. Much to her chagrin, her grandparents had vast riches at their disposal and wouldn't want her to recieve any less. Besides, they had to teach her about their family business.

She recieved quality education at her own pace. It wasn't much seeing as she was a prodigy of sorts.

"Alright. I'll see you later, dear" she said softly, casting her a smile before leaving.

The little girl eyed her grandmother's retreating figure before standing up and walking down a path only she could see.

The sound of rushing water greeted her ears as she arrived. The river had a clear surface that delighted the eyes. It was lined on either side by cherry blossoms and various clusters of flowers. The blooms were vibrant in color and simply demanded attention.

Her metallic eyes widened upon seeing a cluster of white lotus flowers on the other side of the bank. The light struck them from a perfect angle giving them an ethereal appearance. The leaves vere a vibrant emerald and swayed subtley in an imaginary breeze.

She shook her head, knowing better than to go and get them. The river was too deep and she'd rather take her chances with plain poppies and daisies than risk her life for the flowers.

They won't last anyway...they'll wilt after a couple of days...

She thought bitterly

But...they would be lovely...even for just a little while.

Sighing, she sat on the bank of the river, contemplating but not before making sure to watch the shifting of shadows on the ground. If there was something amiss...then there must be some yokai or spirits present.

They were everywhere and she had to be wary.

It was hard to believe at first but she accepted it anyway. There was no use in denying the existence of things otherworldly.

It was much easier to accept than the fact that she was an orphan.

Her fingers unconciously wove the cluster of flowers as she watched the serene flow of water in front of her.

She was due for a whole day of Koken'nin training tomorrow with her grandfather.

She sighed irritably.

What use do I have for what I learned? It's not like I could use them. I have never seen a single yokai!

She huffed before weaving bright red flowers into the ring.

She bit her lip in concentration. The crimson petals clashed terribly with the mellow shades causing her to grimace before discarding them and replacing them with soft lilac blooms.

Why can't I be like other children? They can go to school...they don't need to be cooped up in their houses all day long. They don't need to study how to handle weapons. They don't need to study how to annihilate fairy tale creatures...they don't even need to know about being a Koken'nin.

Why me, Kami-sama.

She glanced at her work, satisfied.

The crown was a delightful combination of yellow, white, and lilac. She proceeded to add a layer of baby's breath she saw growing on the banks of the river.

Her eyes focused on the water, admiring how the light danced across the surface.

It was a perfect afternoon for her. The winds were chilly and the ground was cool and light was slowly dissappearing.

Must be because of the Winter Solstice. Nights become longer than days and the wind grows colder. I'd bet it would snow tomorrow....

She mused

She sighed in bliss as the wind picked up its pace, cooling her.

She heard an ominous sound of a branch snapping but she was too slow to react.

A chorus of mishievous giggles were the last things she heard before she was plunged into the river.

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