Angry Co-Pilots and YOU!

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I'm going to have regular updates again don't worry. Thank you to anyone who pays attention to my writing. It means alot. WARNING: I snuck in some AmeBel but only in you squint.

Disclaimer: The gay countries anime/manga belongs to Hima-Papa. All I own is my headcannons and plot.

"Alllllllrighty, we are cleared for take of. So please, strap in you seat belts. Since Canada is prepping your guest rooms at home today your pilot is Me, the HERO, and your co-pilot is the lovely Belarus."

"Amerika if you talk anymore I will cut you."

"Alright I'm shutting up. Anyway hope you enjoy your flight and please don't come up here. Distracting us is a bad idea since Bela might slit your throat-"

"AMERIKA I SWEAR-"The intercom crackled off leaving a very scared Sealand whimpering about them crashing.

The rest of the plane ride was mostly uneventful except when Denmark went in the cockpit to check on them and walked out very pale in the face mumbling about knives and never interupting them again.

"We're landing in an hour so put back on your seatbelts and exit your seats when Bela or I tell you to."

"Amerika you fu-"


"And I care why?"

"Errrrr... cause you love me?"

"I think you are misinformed. I tolerate you."

"HEY." The intercom system turned off again and stayed that way for a while.

"Well... they are an... interesting pair." Finland managed to get out.

"More like psycho."

"Baby Brother!"

"Don't call me that!"

They finally landed and as soon as they did Sealand and Denmark rushed out.

Okay sorry this was mainly filler but I had this stupid idea and it wouldn't leave me be. The next one will have plot. I hope... Also after this story is done I'm going to have a one-shot book with stuff ONLY from this universe. You guys can request things when it come out.

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