Coffee is a No-No

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Hello guys! I'm thinking of combining chapters 1+2 together and 3+4. I may just combine them into one mega chapter. Please tell me if that's an okay idea. Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. It belongs to Hima papa. If I did there would be a loooot more on the North Americas. And I wouldn't be writing Fan Fics. Washington DC, Present Day.

"You are going to die." Canada stared at the colossal pile of coffee cups next to his brothers desk. "You'll have a stroke I'm 100% percent sure of it." America just glared at Canada and downed another one. "Relax, you're acting like this is a court case. We're just asking if the had colonies in our continent, It's not the end of the world."

"But Matt, what if they didn't? Then we did all of this for nothing! And I am allowed as much coffee as I want! But seriously what if they didn't have one what if it's just a new tribe of Native Americans we never knew of! And if they did what proof do we have it was us!" He then took his coffee and dumped red bull in it. "There if but it's minor and basically null. We have artifacts and legends!"He drank it all in one gulp. Matthew stared at him for 15 seconds and then proceeded to steal the coffee maker and red bull from Alfred's desk and throw it out the window. "MY COFFEE! NOOOO!"

"Okay no more coffee. And Alfred it's just a video conference we're only telling them we found artifacts okay. Calm down." Alfred had a murderous glint in his eyes. "Al? AL? OH G-" He was tackled by a sleep deprived, caffeine hyped, and angry american. "ST-o-P- TiCK-LiNg- ME! AL-FrED!"

Alfred looked at his brother stopping slowly. "Never." The war was declared. Matthew took this small pause to his advantage and shoved him off, running to the living room. The war raged on for hours until the loud blaring of Story of Tonight, signaled the call with the nordics was about to begin.

Norway began the conversation, "Hello America, Canada, you said you wished to discuss something with us? It better not be the next time you are going for a drink with Denmark America." All of the Nordic 5 were crowded around the camera they were using.

Canada could see America's slight nervousness and decided to take over before he blurted out about their suspicions, "It's not I can assure you we were just wondering if you had some colonies in North America, before America or I was established I mean." Canada studied their expressions one by one each varied Denmark showed shock, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden's faces nothing at all, and Finland's sadness? Fear? "We were wondering because some digs recently showed evidence of at least one of you living there."

"Well, Canada, yes we did but they fell through relatively fast. We had some where your land is and I believe we had one or two in America. Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Finland looked vaguely uncomfortable answering them.

America piped in, "Well did they have a personification or was there more than one, or was there none at all? See I'm part of the team for the dig so it would be interesting to know… You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable though." He was about to ask more questions before Canada kicked him in the leg.

"Well, there was two personifications for the little colonies because something like the Italies situation. They were two seperate persoifications though because since there was a huge amount of distance between the two instead of the Italies who are like that because cultural differences." Finland looked at the two closer shook his head subtly. "Can we end this subject though it's making me a bit morose." America smiled, "Of course but, just one more question, it that fine?" After a nod of confirmation, he inquired, "Who started the colonies?"

"I did."

And that's a wrap but there is a little cliffy but it's fairly obvious who says that. So don't know if that counts. PLEASE SEND ADVICE

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