Sinister {Matt x Reader}

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You were walking down the street in Winchester, it was late at night and it was raining more than you could imagine, you had stopped trying to stay inside when the thunder began, you loved storms too much to stay at home during the night.

You walked past a building and saw a single window with light coming from the inside "oi! Why are you walking in the rain without an umbrella?" Someone shouted over the sound of the raindrops falling, you looked up and saw a guy at the window, he had brown hair and wore a stripped red and black t-shirt "come over here, I'll be at the door in a minute" you hesitated but walked to the building's door, where the guy met you "come in, I'm Matt" you reluctantly followed the boy inside and closed the door behind you, an old man walked to Matt and he told the elder something you didn't get and the man left

You continued walking and started thinking, wasn't this an orphanage? Was this Matt guy an orphan? You suddenly felt bad for him, but he seemed happier that orphan kids in movies, you got inside a room, he sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him, you walked over, amazed by the room, it was a mix between a nerd's room and a gamer's, and you liked that

"So, why were you out this late and with this kind of weather? Weren't you cold?" Matt asked as you sat on the other side of the bed.

You chuckled "I don't know if I should be answering that question, it sounds like the typical thing the psychopath asks in a horror movie" his smile widened "what?"

There was a knock on the door and the old man walked in with a stack of neatly folded blankets "thank you Watari" Matt said "Mello isn't coming today, is he?" He asked before the man could leave.

"No, he'll come back tomorrow" you glanced at the boy and Watari left, leaving you and Matt alone again.

"So, you like horror movies?" He asked, you nodded and he got up, walking to a shelf and taking a box, walking back to you "which one is your favourite? I may have it"

"You don't even know my name" you stated

Matt smiled, his eyes shining more than before "I don't think I need to know your name just to watch a movie, besides, you're cute, that's all I need to know for now" you felt yourself blushing and smiled at him, he was indeed cute "favourite movie?" He questioned again

"Sinister, without a doubt" you answered, he took the movie out of the box and put it in the DVD player "I'm (Y/N), by the way" you told him as he sat on the bed again, you moved next to him and the movie started, the sound of the storm still intense through the window.

"(Y/N)..." Matt mumbled to himself "I'm glad to have met you today"

*Time Skip*

"Mello, Mello, Mello, Mello" Matt said happily "Mello, Mells" the blond boy sighed in annoyance "it's happening! Today's the day!" Matt jumped on his bed and started bouncing on it.

Mello took his phone and began recording the other boy "let's see how long it takes before you hit your head on the cie-"


"Ling" Mello finished before brusting into laughter "you alright, Matty?" He laughed stopping the video and checking on his friend.

"Am I dead?" He asked as you walked through the door.

It had been two years since you first met, and today you were going with him and Mello to watch Sinister 2 to the cinema, you had met Mello the morning after Matt since you two fell asleep watching Annabelle after watching Sinister and The Conjuring.

"Yep, you are" you answered giggling "Mello, let's go, we'll plan the funeral after we get back" you and Mello headed to the door and you heard something being thrown at Mello "oh, look, he came back to life"

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