All Hallow's Eve {Pt. 2}

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"Do you want to sleep in my room?" The boy asked, and he really hoped the answer was yes, Ryuzaki looked at him slightly confused "well, you looked pretty shaken up during the movie, but if you don't want to..."

"I- uh... yeah, why not, I mean... sure"


They both walked to Light's room and got in bed, neither of them said a word or looked at each other, it'd been really long since Ryuzaki had slept properly and he didn't really know if that was a good thing, the fact that he slept peacefully for once and he was with Light was driving him insane

On the other hand, Light was not really sure of how he was feeling at that moment, he sure liked having Ryuzaki sleeping on his shoulder, but since then, he seemed a bit off, he didn't really understand why

The silence was starting to annoy Light since it was way too awkward and there was too much tension between the two "Uh... Ryuzaki, earlier you said that there was something bothering you, what is it?" The teenager asked sitting up, looking down at black-haired guy, who looked up at him slightly shocked "I know you said you don't want to talk about it, but I want to help, you said it was related to the Kira case" he trailed off

L blinked, not really sure if he should tell him, he really wanted to, but he was afraid of telling him the truth "don't worry, I don't want to annoy you, I can handle it" he lied, he knew he couldn't handle this feeling, why did Light have to be the main suspect?

"But still... I won't get annoyed, please" Light looked at him, giving him puppy eyes "wait... let me guess..." he said as he thought of it for a second, the detective's heart sped up, he swore it actually stopped for a second

"No, wait... I'll tell you..." what on earth was he doing? Was he out of his mind? "I... well, if you were me and you, somehow, developed feelings towards someone you know you shouldn't what would you do?"

"I'd still tell that person that I liked them, and then I'd try to move on" he said, then frowned, did L like him? That wasn't possible, right? Light was a suspect- but he said 'someone you know you shouldn't'

"Yeah, but... what if you couldn't tell them for many reasons?" Light didn't know what to say, so he just asked something different

"How is this related to Kira in any way?" Ryuzaki frowned, he'd completely forgotten he said it was related to the case... fuck!

"Well... I... uh" he swore he saw Light eyeing him, but he just ignored that and tried to think about something to say, but there he was again... always in his mind "well, I  have been thinking about the whole case and some things aren't right" he finally said

Light looked at him in disbelief "you're lying, you're shaking, what's the matter?" he asked softly, not wanting to push L too hard but wanting to know what was in his mind

"Light, it's not as easy as it seems" L mumbled looking down, not wanting to look at Light's disapponted face, but the other boy just smiled, hes supicions were right, at least it looked like it

"but it is..." he lifted Ryuzaki's head up so they were looking at each other in the eye "you just need to try harder" he said leaning in, the detective was in shock as their lips connected, they both closed their eyes until Ryuzaki realized what was going on and pulled back quickly, eyes wide and breathing heavily, the teenager looked at him, clearly confused "what's wrong?"

"I can't... what about the whole investigation? What about you and Misa? Oh shit, Misa is going to kill us" he rushed to say "that if Kira doesn't kill me before"

Light looked down, feeling guilty, he would never hurt L, it obviously wasn't what everyone thought, but he admired him, and he loved him. To everyone Kira was just a heartless psychopath who killed just for fun... which was true most of the times, but he'd never hurt someone who he cared about "I don't think Kira will kill you... I can't be so sure about Misa, but Kira is known for killing criminals, and you aren't one, besides he needs to know your name and he doesn't"

"He's also killed many people who tried to stop him... being completely honest, I think his main target right now is me" Ryuzaki said, Light looked back at him, it was true, he had killed all the people who was standing on his way "also, I'm still not quite sure that you aren't him" he whispered

Light smirked not caring about being accused by him, he grabbed his wrists and pulled him down against the bed "would Kira do this?" He asked before kissing him lovingly, at first L was shocked, but after a couple of seconds he melted into the kiss "would he protect you from anything at all costs?" Ryuzaki just smiled as Light kissed him again softly

"Probably not" he answered as Light laid next to him, his heart beating out of his chest while Light's was calm, how was that even possible?

"Come here" Light said, he knew Ryuzaki was still shocked from everything that had just happened, the detective rested his head on the other's chest 

"Is this going to change everything?" Ryuzaki asked unsure of how everything would go on from then

"Well, it obviously is, but I wouldn't worry about that, we're still going to find Kira and arrest him for everything he's done" Light said determined to catch Kira, the only problem was that he was Kira... but he wouldn't worry about that now, all he cared about was that his feelings for L weren't one-sided

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