Meeting Them Pt 2

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With every step you took your boots clicked against the wooden floor of your room.You were constantly running from your working desk and back to your Study guide on your bed, You had to study for this big test about biology and math.You tried to memorize some tips on how to remember your biology and math study guide to pass the test.So far you kind of have maybe gotten distracted every time.Such as hearing the cars go down the street,People with friends talking,And your parents in their room discussing about how they should make a road trip to see your uncle in Florida.Honestly you just were afraid to go on planes,Heck you were even scared to go on ships!Hey,You never know if a plane could crash or if a ship could sink!Right?Then you decided to test yourself by thinking of the questions of the problems in your head and then say the answers out loud.
It may have token multiple times to memorize but you do finally did it."yeah!I DID IT!Take that!Haha!!"You cheered loudly to yourself as you began to do a little snoopy victory dance.You silently giggle to yourself as you realize your acting like a 6 year old.But no biggie!
You slipped on the floor and landed on your head.'Oww..'You whined in your head.'Wait,Why were there gunshots??!shoot!'You thought in your mind as your ran to your mom and dads room.Your eyes widened in horror of what you saw.Your parents lying on the floor a pool of blood surrounding them.Lifeless.The word to describe them right now,You clutched your head and Shrieked as if you were going to die,Your heart was now breaking at the sight of your dead parents.You felt a man hold you up by your shirt."What a pretty sight could be worth a fortune or more~.."The man whispered in your ear.You began to struggle and kick his legs until you punched him in the lip.He held his lip and evily chuckled."Your gonna pay for that doll.."Then he held his hand up ready to punch you and then..

you got dropped on the floor.A mysterious ninja Flipped him onto his back and kept beating him with a Bo staff.As the ninja picked him up by the back of his shirt,The turtle yelled."Get out of my sight...NOW!"The murderer fled quickly out of the house as the purple masked turtle faced you."Are you alright?Did he hurt you?What happened??!"The turtle frantically asked as he studied you to see if you were injured."Im fine its just he murdered my mom and dad.."You sadly replied with your head down."Im am so sorry I couldn't save them sooner uh?.." "Y/N L/N and thank you for saving me."You thanked him smiling shyly."It was no problem Y/N and call me Donnie,Donatello Hamato." You nodded in reply."I hope you stay safe a cute girl like you doesn't need to be sad and hurt."Donnie said for the last time before heading who knows where.You smiled and blushed.Then out of no where you just giggled.'What the heck?'You thought.
'He called me cute..Hmm..What a cute guy..'
You finally thought before dialing your grandmother to come and pick you up.
You felt a sharp pain roam through your cheek as your parents glared at you."Stupid Y/N!Always wanting to be active!!Give me a break!!"You mother yelled."Always wanting to be perfect always wanting to be lovable and clingy.What a bitch.."Your Father rudely complained."I-Im sorry!I love you Mom And dad!!With all my heart!Can we be a Family again??!"I asked frantically.
"Never...Never again Not with you!You little whore!!" Your E/C eyes started to produce tears."What did I ever do to you??!YOU JUST ALWAYS WANT TO SLAP ME AND BE TERRIBLE PARENTS!!THIS IS WHY I HATE YOU!!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.My parents glared at me ."I-Im sorry I didn't mean-"
"You know what I cant fu**ing take this anymore.Im going to end this."Your father said taking out a pistol."P-please!NO!!"You cried out loud.
As your father was ready to pull the trigger.It got slapped right out of his hand by nunchucks."Hey dude!Leave the girl alone!Or else!Im calling the cops!!"The orange masked ninja Yelled.Then soon enough cop sirens came to our house."OPEN UP ITS THE POLICE!!WE HAVE A WARRANT!!"The police yell banging on the door with their fists.As your parents go to hide from the PO PO (A/N:XDD SORRY I HAD TO!)
You smiled gratefully at the turtle and said to him."Thank you so much!How can I repay you??!" The orange turtle."Its ok DUDETTE!Besides its all I could do!My names Mikey short for Michelangelo!Your name is??.." "Y/N L/N and again thanks dude!"You say hugging him."Heh no problem and stay safe Y/N you seem cool!Cya!"Mikey said as he skated off into the darkness of the night.The police came into your room and asked you questions about your parents and what happened.After that,They told you to go and live somewhere else.
So you started to dial B/F/N (Best friends name) And packed all the stuff you owned to go to her house to live a new day.
'I hope I get to see Mikey again..'
You think blushing a warm pink before being drove to B/F/N's house.

A/N:So what did you guys think?If all the abuse and the loss of parents happened to you I am SUPER SORRY!!I didn't know!I hope you can forgive me!So can you please Favorite,Like,Comment,And follow? Thank you and Daddysgirl_34  is out!! 

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