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Lucy's pov 

its been seven months and i'm so fat. i feel like i'm going to explode. sometimes i feel like i'm carrying twins. i walk down the stairs and feel a sharp kick in my stomach i let out a yelp but this baby is always kicking me. litually, he or she is getting on my nerves. slowly i waddle to the kitchen and get a load of food stashed in the fridge and i sit on the couch. 

'Morning Lucy' Happy speaks. as i turn around, he rubs his eyes so he can be fully awake. 

'morning happy are you okay?' i asked and he smiled happily. 

'i'm fine, are  you okay' Happy asked in a worried way and i just look at him confused. 

'fine, why' 

'because lucy your sweating like crazy, what did i tell you, i know you have a bump and gaining weight but you can't exersize that much because Moira said too much movement was bad for the baby' Happy spoke in a rude but joking way and i just glared at him. 

'shut it cat, i'm fine. i don't feel hot or anything' i said and i wiped my forehead and felt it covered in sweat. 'what the' i whispered and Happy looked worried. 

'i'm going to call Moira' 

'No need to call, i could sense the baby about to arrive' Moira said letting herself in the house. i chuckle and get ready to get up off the couch. 

'Moira it's fine, the house is just hot, i'll just go and open up some windows' as i stood up i felt my waters break and i screamed and was about to fall onto the floor as Happy quickly caught me along with Moira. they helped me on the couch and made me lay down. i screamed again as i felt everything forcing me to push. Happy flew to get a cold damp towel too cool my body. 

'Tell me Lucy, you never told me the dragon slayer you was with' 

'Na-Natsu' i strained to speak his name because i ended up screaming again. 

'the salamander. Lucy, you are going to be in a lot of pain but don't worry, i promise i will make you safe' what the hell is that suposst to mean. 

'Lucy won't die will she' Happy worried and i looked at him crying. 

'i won't let that happen, Lucy is too young and innocent to pass away' i felt another push coming and i screamed, i felt like my body was engulfed in flames, my entire body was burning up. 

'come on Lucy push' Moira demanded and i just screamed and tried to give up. 

'i can't, it burns. it hurts too much' i cried in pain 

'come on Lucy, just be strong' i heard Happy wimper and i had no chance but to push. as i screamed the final time i hear cries of a baby and all the pain suddenly stopped, the fire burning disappeared and i just tried to breath again. i watched Moira pick up and wrap my baby in a warm white towel and she passed him over to me. 

'congratulations Lucy, you have a son'  Moira said and placed him in my arms. i kept hold of him and never wanted to let go. He was so beautiful. i stroked his thin blonde hair and soft lightly tanned skin with a tint shade of pink. when he opened his eyes he was definatly a small Natsu but instead he had blonde hair. 

'hey...hello' i cried in a whisper toned voice and giggled at the same time. Happy came to see him as he sat closer to me. 

'whats his name?' he asked and i smiled as my son held my finger. 

'Luke, his full name is Lucas Jude Dragneel' i said smiling and soft happy tears trailed down my eyes. 


awe wan't this chapter just cute. i know it was short but i think most of them are going to be short. 

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter, i loved it. its so sad how natsu wasn't there to see the birth? 

i really can't wait to write the next chapter. because Luke (Lucas) is going to be three years old in the next one. 

write soon 


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