19 // alive

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jacob and agatha travelled almost all over the world to find miss peregrine and their children- now they were here. jacob and agatha got a little bit old, jacob's apperance changed- his hair was longer than before and he got taller. agatha's appearance changed too- she got taller and her hair reached her back.

they were now in the ship, jacob looked at agatha.

"let's separate ways, shall we?" he said and agatha nodded.

agatha watched jacob happily- he hugged emma behind, then talked and kissed. agatha just stood far away from them, smiling.

olive saw a familiar dirty blonde hair- standing far away with emma and... jacob?
she quickly went where emma, jacob and the blonde girl is. that blonde girl is agatha.

olive looked shocked, "a-agatha?"

agatha looked at her, "hey olive."

"you're dead, aren't you?" asked olive.

"i'm alive as you are, olive." agatha said. "where's enoch?"

olive smiled at her, "he's there, just go to the right, and then the last room is enoch's."

"thank you olive."

she went to the direction olive gave her and opened the door silently- enoch was there. sleeping in his work table.

agatha touched his cheek, and pinched it. enoch woke up.

"what the fu- agatha?"

"yeah, it's agatha." she said and smiled.

"i'm dead, ain't i?" said enoch happily.

agatha looked at him weirdly, "no, enoch. you're alive. i'm alive."

"wha-whe-how?" enoch stuttered and stood up.

"i lost my heartbeat- but i came back." said agatha as she smiled at him. "i'll tell you later..."

enoch hugged agatha. agatha hugged back. they broke the hug and looked at each other.

"i love you, agatha desario." said enoch as he cupped agatha's face.

"i love you too, enoch o'connor."

agatha leaned and kissed him. enoch's lips was soft and warm. she loved it. she loved him. enoch made her realise that not all rude people are numb hearted. agatha helped him to be a better guy. enoch saved her from the judgmental people around them. he saved her for the feeling of loneliness.

enoch loved agatha, too. he used to think that agatha didn't like him, but look at them now, smiling and kissing each other. it made him happy. agatha mended his broken personality and also his heart. she made enoch feel someone's love. after years, he hasn't felt anything romantic, she saved him from too much bitterness, pride and rudeness.

numb heart // enoch o'connorWhere stories live. Discover now