02 // accident

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"nice room, you got here." said agatha, her floral blue dress was stained with dirt because she sat on the floor.

"nice disturbance you gave me." mimicked a scottish guy who was living in the basement full of hearts, clays and bones.

he wasn't the nicest but she tried to make her patience longer.

"anyway," said agatha who stood up and brush off the dirt in her skirt. "i'm obviously new here, my name's agatha desario, 16 years old." she said as she offered up her hand for a handshake.

"did somebody asked? it wasn't me." said enoch sarcastically.

"erm... miss peregrine said i should introduce myself to you." said agatha, controlling her anger towards the tall, 17 year-old looking boy. "since you weren't there when we shared breakfast."

"leave, i don't want you here."

"don't you want to introduce yourself?"

"I'd rather not. i don't trust wight-looking people, who roams around someone's room, just like you." enoch spat grumpily, his arms crossed his chest and was glaring daggers to the 16 year-old girl.

that was it. agatha's happy expression changed into anger.

"is that an insult?"

"are you sure you're peculiar? you look like some wight pretending to be someone." enoch intimidated more. "maybe you're not one, because, every peculiar knows what a wight is."

"handsome and yet, rude and insensitive."

"what did you say?" enoch said, pretending not to hear it, "i can't hear your stupid voice."

"I said, you're.fucking.deaf!" shouted agatha irritatedly.

enoch rose up from his seat, stormed up to agatha and pushed her to the door, to make her leave his room.

"stop! stop it!" agatha shouted as she tried to keep her balance, but enoch, tried so hard to push her out the room.

"get out!" enoch shouted back as he pushed agatha away from his place.

"don't push me!"

"shut up!"

enoch ignored any of agatha's pleadings and didn't stop pushing her. he pushed her hard and suddenly, she fell into the floor and her shoulder hit something sharp.

agatha groaned and enoch looked at her angrily.

agatha touched her shoulder and hissed. her shoulder got hit by, some sort of a garden fork.

"is everything okay, enoch? agatha?" asked emma who heard the inconvenience down the basement.

"oh my—!" said emma as she saw enoch standing on his room's doorway, looking at agatha.

"e—enoch! what happened?!" shouted emma worriedly.

"just go and get miss peregrine!"

emma ran hurriedly as enoch tried to help agatha to sit up.

"don't touch me, rude arse!"

"what?! im trying to help you!"

"i said, don't fucking touch me!"

"i'm trying to help here, miss ungrateful bitch!"

"fuck you! i sincerely didn't want help from my killer just incase i die!"

"miss desario! mister o'connor! come with me in the office." said miss peregrine, "miss bloom, help miss desario."

emma helped agatha to remove the garden fork— agatha screamed her lungs out and went to miss peregrine's office.

she blacked out after the garden fork was removed at her shoulder.

she was now asleep in her room, while enoch and miss peregrine was talking, outside of agatha's room.

"you shouldn't have pushed her, mr. o'connor." said miss peregrine, "you knew that there was our old gardening tools near the basement."

"that's actually the idea," said enoch grumpily, "to kill her because she's disturbed me and my silence."

"i do not need impolite explanations." said miss peregrine, "i do not tolerate impoliteness. i expected more of you since you are the oldest."

enoch ignored her and started to walk back to the basement, his hands are on his trouser's pocket and was walking in silence.

"enoch!" shouted someone behind him.

"what do you want?" said enoch rudely.

the person who called her was olive, the girl who fancied him and annoyed him very much.

"i heard what you did to agatha!" said olive.

"and? what should i do? mourn because she's almost dead because of me? I think not." said enoch sarcastically.

"that's not nice! you should apologize to her."

"yeah and you should leave me alone." said enoch as he gave olive a death glare. olive didn't look at him but looked down instead, she looked like as if she's trying to fight the urge of her tears to flow.

"don't be rude, please.." squeaked olive, "she just got here and then you'll get her injured?"

"a simple 'sorry' would never harm you." olive said.

"that's the problem about you! you think i could like you if you scold me everyday as if you're my mum! guess what? you're not!" enoch bursted his anger out, "you're just olive! no one special, you're not my family nor my partner in relationship so don't act as if you are! don't try to be some good girlfriend to me! 'cause you're not!"

"don't pour your anger on me!" said olive as she started to cry. "i—i'm trying to make friends with you properly. an—and to make you friends with a—agatha."

enoch ignored what she said and continue ranting;

"you're just a hopeless woman, who thinks the world would be better if you loved someone! well, you're wrong!"

olive was crying while millard, bronwyn and emma looked shocked about what he said.

"e—everyone was right." said olive through her crying, "i never should've love a heartless man like you!" and she ran away.

enoch didn't feel guilt or sadness about the sobbing girl in front of him. He was just numb, I guess that happens to people who didn't show affection for anyone romantically for decades.

he left olive and the others speechless and he was once again, walking back to his room along with silence.

numb heart // enoch o'connorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ