03 // her peculiarity

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"am i here again, mum?" asked agatha as she was floating in white room.

"yes, you are, darling." said her mother, elizabeth desario, who appeared infront of her.

they were in the spiritual realm— where peculiar and normal spirits are living.

it was agatha's peculiarity, to go to the spiritual realm, seeing the spirits of the dead, peculiar or not and making a pact for something agatha and the spirit wanted.

"mum?" asked agatha, "is it my fault that you're dead?"

agatha's mum died because of the car accident she and agatha's father experienced. they bought something for her 7th birthday and went home, but some drunkard bus driver drove his bus towards her parents' vehicle. her father was 'dead in arrival' while her mother survived, but the doctor said that agatha's mum needed an operation because of the displacement of her spinal bone and she needs it as soon as possible the desarios almost lost their belongings but elizabeth still died.

"no, darling. why did you ask?"

"i miss you so much.. i wish you were here with me.." said agatha as she started crying.

"i'd be here, i'll watch and guide you." saud her mum, "you could still visit me here. but you have to go now."

"bye mum."

* * *

"wake up." said millard as he shook agatha's arm.

agatha woke up, and she sat up quickly, wiping her eyes.

"are you having nightmares?" millard asked.

"no, but thank you for asking." agatha said and she gave him a charming smile.

"oh, anyways, the bird wanted you to dress up and head downstairs for your breakfast." said millard.

agatha nodded and said, "you go ahead millard, i'll just follow."

"oh okay, see you in a minute!" said millard as he sprinted down for breakfast.

agatha went to the bathroom and she noticed that she was still wearing that floral blue dress that she wore last night. but it has a bloodstain in the left shoulder.

agatha wore an oversized shirt and high waisted pants that was from 2016— too modern but she was going back in 2016.

she quickly went downstairs and saw everyone was looking at her again, but it was surely because of her clothes.

"children, it is rude to stare." said miss peregrine, everyone turned their backs and continued eating.

agatha sat between emma and olive. they ate in silence for a few minutes until claire asked;

"why are you wearing a shirt that says panic at the disco?"

agatha was drinking when claire asked, so she almost spit the water to her face.

"oh? i'm going back to 2016." agatha said as she heard gasps from some of the peculiar children.

"why? you just got here and you didn't even experience the fun times in this loop!" said bronwyn.

"i have to settle down something there but, i'll come back soon." said agatha, and again, they ate in silence.

few minutes later, breakfast is done and everybody went away to do their chores while miss peregrine and enoch are taking to each other.

"mr. o'connor, apologise to both of the girls today. i do not want longer fights." said miss peregrine.

"hmp." enoch huffed, "they're not deserving for my precious apologies."

"mr. o'connor." said miss peregrine.

"never, i will never apologise to that—"

the door shot open. it was agatha, she flustered and asked, "am i interrupting something?"

"no, please come in." said miss peregrine, agatha came in and close the door.

"why are you here?" said enoch rudely.

"i'm here to give my temporary farewell to miss peregrine and to you.." said agatha, enoch looked surprise, despise of all his rudeness, she still wanted to say goodbye to him.

"i'd be back as quick as i can, i'd be leaving my things in my room. bye miss p." said agatha as she hugged miss peregrine quickly.

agatha broke the hug and faced enoch.

"look, i want to say sorry about my outburst in your room." said agatha while she looked at enoch's dark brown eyes. "i'm sorry. you were an arse— i mean, rude to me."

enoch looked at agatha's blue-grey eyes and said, "apology accepted," enoch saw the bird behind agatha smiled at him.

"i want to apologise too, for pushing you away." said enoch, "i did not expected that."

"well, i forgive you." said agatha, as she tiptoed and hugged enoch.

enoch was surprised and asked himself, is she always full of surprises?

"i'd be leaving for a while. bye, enoch."

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