A Glimmer Of Hope

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The silence fell thick and heavy in the car as it trundled down the gritty road, back to The Resistance's HQ. Matt's hoarse sniffles tore through the deathly quiet every now and again, as Dom's limp corpse was draped over the width of the back seats, and held close by his lover. The older boy looked so pained, yet so peaceful in his resting pose. His lips were slightly parted, his eyes closed gently, his fingers were curled into a loose fist and hung by his sides, while his messy, bloodstained hair covered his pale, sheet white face. It was almost like he was in a deep sleep. Matt looked down and felt the tears sting in his eyes. He couldn't bear to see his only guiding light like this.

The car slowed to a stop outside the base, and the gang trudged out into the entrance. Morgan stopped by to explain to General Dominic Anderson what had happened, trying to hold back the tears from spilling himself.

"Fucking dammit Dominic, we've lost him. I know there's probably nothing we can do, but we need him. He's like a brother. Please." Chris interrupted, his voice quiet as he grabbed the General by the shoulders and looked into his eyes.

"And Matt.. Dom and him are too close to just give up.. You have to give him a chance..." He added, begging and looking over at Matt with a weak smile. Matt swallowed his tears and tried to smile back feebly.

"I know Chris, I loved Dom like a brother too. I'll see what we can do." He whispered, still shaken by the shock.

"And Matt, it might not work, and I'm sorry mate. But you've lost so much and I don't want you to lose the only thing you have left."

He gave Matt a gentle grin and squeezed his shoulders lightly. Matt was slightly surprised by his gesture and winced, but warily beamed and cleared his throat quietly.

"Thank you. So fucking much."

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