Know Your Enemy

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A/N - for y'all who are wondering where tf are Dommeh and Cwis, don't worry, this is the last chapter about Maffoo's backstory! and i hope y'all appreciate the Green Day-inspired title. XD

"Come here. Your master wishes to see you, peasant." the guard sneered, beginning to drag Matt's mother away by the wrists.

"No way in hell am I going to see that BASTARD!" she screeched, kicking the guard in the stomach. Matt backed up against his cell wall as he watched the guard double over, before recovering and grabbing both her wrists in one hand and her hair in the other.

"Well look who we have here.." an ominous voice boomed. Out of the shadows emerged a middle aged man with a steel grey cloak on.


"Ever since you've come here, you've been nothing but trouble." the man spat, a malicious light gleaming in his eyes as he shot a glare at Matt's mother.

"Now then.." he emphasised those words and narrowed his eyes. "We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. Either you come with me, or you die."

Matt gasped and screeched "NO-", before he was cut off by another guard, clasping a clammy hand over his mouth.

"I'd rather die than fight with you, you m-monster!" she growled, advancing on him.

And that's when it happened, almost as if it was in slow motion.

He pulled out the gun.

She threw a punch.

He pulled the trigger.

And she fell to the ground, crumpled in a pool of her own blood.

Matt's screams were muffled by the guard's sweaty hand as tears cascaded down his sheet-white face. The middle-aged man then turned to Matt, and observed the shaking boy.

"Whoops, didn't mean to.." he giggled, pulling a mock-sad face.

Turning away, they left Matt in his cell to stare at his mother's limp body and slowly lose all will to live.

Can you free me from this world? [Muse/Belldom AU]Where stories live. Discover now