Chapter 18- Baby's Momma's Drama

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continuing where the last chapter left off........................................................................................

N-yea, until the baby comes out looking just like you, Wayne

W-dont stress. Trust.

N-(sighs) whatever, bye


(they both hang up)

Nicki starts packing up most of her things in suitcases and puts them in the closet. Drake doesn't notice.___________Skipping to that night, Nicki and Drake are sleeping in bed, or atleast Drake is

N-(gets her suitcases downstairs, writes a note and leaves...)

___________Next morning__________________________________

D-(waking up) Nicki?(runs downstairs) Nicki?! This isn't funny, where are you? (finds a note on the counter)

D-what the hell is this? (reads)

     Drake, don't freak out. I'm okay. And the baby's okay, my baby's okay. That's the thing Drake, this isn't your baby. So before you get angry and do anything you'd regret, I left. I can't tell you where I am, and don't call because I won't answer.

D-(screaming) You can't do this to me!

____________Drake speeds to Wayne's house_________________________

W-(opening the door)Uhhh, wats up

D-(lets himself in and paces the floor angrily) This is bullshit!

W-I beg your pardon? (lol u know how lil wayne like to be a funny guy)

D-Nicki left!


D-Because she's a stupid hoe!! (Ha Ha! get it?)

W-well i wouldn't say that, i mean what did she-(gco)

D-It's not my baby! She's a hoe!!

W-Ummm, any idea who's kid it is?


Voice from upstairs-Wayne! Wher is the damn soap?!

W-ummmm...Just a minute.

D-(laughs) you never change man, always got chicks up in here

(Nicki comes downstairs in her bathrobe)

N-How am i supposed to clean when i don't have any-(sees drake) Shiot!

W-this is weird


N-Drake i can explain!

D-explain what?!!!!!!!!!!!!

N-look just calm down, it's not what it looks like!

D-Then what the hell is it?!!!!!

N-(walks over to him and tries to hug him)

D-(pulls away)

N-Drake please...(with tears in her eyes)

D-What do you want from me Nicki?!!? What do you want?!!

N-Hold me...please...I want you to come home with me and eat dinner with me and carry to bed and let me take all the covers like always and i want you to whisper in my ear how beuatiful i am and pull me closer and i want to wake up the next morning in your arms, and tell you how much i love you...And-(gco)

I Think I'm Falling 4 You...A Nicki Minaj and Drake StoryWhere stories live. Discover now