The Butlers Duel

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When Ciel, Sebastian, and Lily returned tothe manor Mey Rin tried bandaging Lily's wounds, however they were severely fatal. Ciel tried to avoid Lily, not wanting to see her hurt for he didn't want to feel emotion, he wanted to remain as he has. Ciel, however, couldn't leave Alois to live, he sneaked out and went to the Trancy mansion to kill him once and for all. Lily however saw Ciel leave, although she wasn't supposed to get out of bed she did, wanting to see Ciel and wondering if he was upset.

She decided to follow him once again, staggering along behind and trying to stay as quiet as possible, althought leaving a trail of blood behind her. Ciel cpuld swear he heard someone following him, he turned sharply around and looked into the distance.

"Who's there?" He called almost angrily. Lily tried to stay silent.

"I said who's there!" He shouted. Lily sighed, then slowly limped out into view.

"Lily?" Ciel sighed "Whay are you here? You're bleeding out!" He cleared his throat, then sighed. "Go back to the manor immediately." He demanded.

"No" Lily said  simply,  then  even walked past Ciel then stopped in her tracks. Ciel looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"You are going back to the Trancy manor aren't you" She said, her back turned to him.

"Yes." Ciel said emotionless.

"Don't. You will only get yourself into more trouble, you could even get killed!" She yelled at him. Ciel kept on walking towards the manor.

"If you really wish for my safety then follow me, because I am not letting this chance of revenge go." Lily opened her mouthto respond then shut it again and sighed.

"Fine" Ciel nodded

"But Lily, I doubt you will be of any help like that" he said with a smirk. Lily rolled her eyes and they continued walking 'till they arrived at the manor, however nobody was there, but there was a trail of blood, followed by a trail of wheel tracks. Lily spotted these clues and turned to Ciel as they went back outside the manor.

"Ciel, the blood and tracks, we can follow them. That must lead to-" Lily began when Ciel suddenly cut her off.

"Alois" He said menacingly. Lily was hesitant to follow Ciel, she didn't like this side of him, the side that craved revenge. However  she still did follow him, as they approached where Alois was. Hannah and Grell were no longer in sight, at least not from where Ciel and Lily are.

Claude, being the shadowy figure, approached Alois. Alois saw Claude and began to crawl to him. Ciel and Lily were very near by.

"Ciel, who was that other butler in the room?" Lily asked.

"Alois' butler, creepy if I may add" he replied.

"He wasn't at the manor either Ciel, is it just  me or does he seem unusally, um, inhuman" she concluded, Ciel looked to her.

"What do you mean" he asked

"His eyes, just him, he doesn't seem normal" She said, she had a suspicioun about Sebastian, but knew not to mention it around Ciel, and she had noticed the similarities between Claude and Sebastian.

"Ciel he is dangerous, if he and Alois are both  not there, immediately after Alois got mortaly wounded, whatmakes you think he wouldn’t kill him. I mean, he didn't seem vey fond of him."
Ciel was impressed by her observations

"How did you come to that conclusion so fast?" He asked.

"Gut feeling, anyway we need to save Alois."

"Save him?! Why!" Ciel objected

"Ciel think about it, Claude is obviously using Alois for whatever, it could even be the reason why Alois is like this. Alois isn't the problem here Ciel, how much damage could he possibly do wihout Claude, he seems to rely soley on him."

Ciel thought about his for a moment.

"For having just met them you really cut to he point of ypur conclusions. Maybe you do have a point, I am willing to try but I doubt we can kill him on our own." Lily looked at him confused


Ciel and Lily were only on the other side of the tree from Claude and Alois, hidden by bushes, but Claude had heard their little convo. He immediately appeared behindthe two.

"Would you really like to know?" Claude said devilishly, his eyes glowing pink. Lily gasped, turning around to see him.

"D-demon.." she said, terrified. Ciel gkared daggers at Claude.

"Your butler isn't here to save you now Ciel" Claude said with a smirk. Lily toughened up and stepped up.

"No, but I am" she said, now seeming completely unafraid of him.
Aloiswas still on the ither side of the tree, almost unable to movem he could hear the, however, he tried to crawl over.

Claude laughed straight in her face. "A human, deafeat me? Ha! Nice try little girl" he said with a smirk, then grabbed her by the throat, holding her up to the air. Alois managed to get around, and saw this.

"Claude, stop!" He yelled, Claude turned to him and kicked him across the floor.

"I was going to kill you anyway." He said simply, with a stoic face. Lily struggled to get free, as Claude kicked Alois she took that chance  to kick Claude and crawl away quickly.

"Stealthy now aren't you" Claude said. Alois wimpered on the ground, then looking up to Claude,

"How could you!" Claude ignored his pleads. Lily grunted and took out one of her daggers, thtowing it at Claude. He blocked it, she continued to try and attsck with daggers with different techniques, only a few succeeding, but only slightly affecting Claude. Claide kicked Lily to the floor, her wound opening up even more, lots of blood spilling out. Ciel shouted,

"Lily!" He shouted  and tried to run  to her,  however before he could Sebastian appeared in front of him.

"Young master" he adressed.

"Sebastian! Where were you! Kill him!" He shouted. Sebastian nodded.

"Yes, my lord." Both butlers turmed to the other.

"Let it be then, Hannah" Claude said, as he called Hannah she appeared beside him.

"The sword" Just then Hannah pulled a demon sword from her chest, handing  it to Claude. Sebastian smirked.

"If you think I'll die to the likes of you" Both stood for only a split second then went right to a fierce fight. Sebastian managed toget the sword from Claude.

After many steals of the sword, Sebastian retrieved the sword again, this time striking Claude with a fatal blow. Claude gasped and looked to the sky.

"You win" he said gravely, then proceeding to die. Both Alois and Ciel saw this, Alois' face  dropping.

"Claude, no!" He exclaimed. He looked to Hannah

"Hannah! Kill Sebastian! NOW!" He shouted. Hannah nodded, standing toe to toe with Sebastian. Ciel turned to Alois,

"Don't get your hopes up Trancy, there is no way she can defeat Sebastian." He stated.

"Just you wait" Alois said.

Meanwhile Hannah was putting up a good fight, actually with the advantage. And, to all's suprise the final moments were upon them.

"Sebastian, I most obey Alois' request at any cost."

"As I will as well."

"Will you now" With unspeakable speed Hannah snatched the sword from Sebastian as he was distracted and plunged it into his stomach.

"I don't think you will." Sebastian's eyes widened as he began to speak, but was met by death before he could speak.


I know I am not that good at fight scenes woops XD
Anyway hope you enjoyed  the chapter, will try to update again spon, maybe even tonight.

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