The Manor

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Running. That is all she could do. She had found her chance to escape, finally strong enough to overpower the man who had kept her captive all these years. But only for so long, when he came back to his senses she was chased. She ran into an alleyway and was trapped, she thought she was done for, but she couldn't give up yet. What would be the point? At the young age of 14 she tried to attack the over 30 year old man that had now cornered her into a corner.

He was an evil man, he envied her father for all his fortunes, but most of al the women he loved. Even though he knew he had no chance with her, he got furious with jealousy when Vincent came to marry her. They were rivals in love and he had lost. So he swore revenge, when he heard they were to have a daughter he devised a plan to steal her to make them suffer. When the child was old enough he told even her of the story, for she was not going to escape the torture of knowing that she was stolen from her parents.

She had plotted for years to escape, but failed each time. She had given up, she was ready to take her own life, when she met a young lady. On one of her escape attempts where she was caught, the man, known as Cedric, had found her in an alleyway and beaten her till she was unable to stand up, he would leave her in the alleyway to learn her lesson until he cared to go out and get her. She had cried for hours contemplating wether it was even worth it to live. There were shards of glass just inches from her, she had picked up a large peice and lifted it to her neck. In tears, she was just about to do it, when a girl had peeked into the alleyway as her eyes widened.

"Hey wait!" The girl yelled out running to Lily. She grabbed Lily's wrist from further movement. It was the middle of the night so Lily couldn't see many features. Just the bright white dress and hair she had worn, as if in a circus.

"B-but there is no point anymore..." The girl looked over her mangled body, looking back up to her.

"What is your name?" Lily looked up to her, with tears still in her eyes.

"Lily Phantomhive" the girl's eyes widened slightly, but she returned and focused again on Lily.

"You can call me Doll." She said with a smile in her face.

"What happened to you?" Lily wiped her tears and told her every last detail, it isn't like she had anything to lose.

"Lily, you need to keep trying, quitting will never get you anything!" She said with a tear in her eye, so effected by Lily's past. Doll looked around then back at Lily.

"Listen, I can't help you, but I have information you may want about your family." Lily seemed joyful.

"But, I need to leave right now, I will be back tommorow, I will be sure if that. I am sorry to say I can't take you with me..." sadness spread across Doll's face.

"Can you make it until this man comes to get you?" Lily nodded her head confidently. Doll smiled.

"Good, I will try to bring you food and water, I will try my best to help you. But I must go, I have somewhere to be." She said the last part slightly solemn, then shook it off and gave Lily a smile and left as quickly and swiftly as the wind.

Back to Present Time

She swang a punch at Cedric, but he cought her hand twisting her wrist till it broke. She screamed in pain, but she still wouldn't give up. She looked him furiously in the eye, as she swept her leg behind hus tripping him. Filled with anger she let it all out right there. Screaming in pain if her wrist through tears of the memories if her past, she kicked him several times, over and over, till she finally fell to the floor in tears. After a few minutes she knew she couldn't stay around here any longer. Without checking to see if he was alive or dead she ran through the shadows avoiding being seen. Until she arrived at her planned destination. The Phantomhive Manor. Looking a mess she knocked desperately on the door. It opened soon after revealing a man in all black in a tail coat.

"And who may you be?" The man asked. She had not thought through what she would say, so without thinking she said the truth. Through staggered breaths, clutching her broken bleeding wrist, which the man seemed to ignore, she gave her answer.

"Lily Phantomhive" she said with a sudden stern confident tone. The man's eyes widened then seemed doubtful.

"Please, I need to see Ciel. I am his older sister, I was stolen from my parents, they must have been too hurt to tell him of me. I have finally gathered enough strength to escape the man who kidnapped me, and this is the only place I have to go" she tried to sound tough, however she could not hold back the few tears that ran down her face. The man seemed amused,

"I will tell the young master and see what he says of this. In the meantime please come inside." She entered the mansion in awe, for she had never seen anything like it before. Yet even though she was just an infant when stolen she still felt that the place was familiar. She felt home. She sat down in the room she was guided to.

"Your wrist is broken I see? We will take care of that right away, I will fetch someone to dress your wound" He exited the room as I heard him call for one of the servants.

"Mey Rin, we have a guest who is badly hurt, please attend to her wounds." Seconds after he said this a maid stumbled in, in response to her orders.

"W-will do sir!" She adressed and hurried off to get the supplies.

"By the way, I am Sebastian, butler of this manor. Now will kindly wait here I will retrieve the yound master." I nodded as he left the room. Soon after the maid entered again, nearly dropping everything she held.

"Now miss, I am sorry but this may hurt" I nodded as she brought over the supplies. After a few minutes, which did indeed consist of pain although she tried to hide it, her wrist was cleaned and dressed properly. As Mey Rin stood up from dressing the wound the door opened. A young boy walked in that Lily immediately assumed to be Ciel, Sebastian following behind.

"So you claim to be my older sister, prove it"

Hi, I hope you liked part one, this is my first fanfic so I'm sorry if it isn't the best. Please comment what you think so far.
This all just stared out as an idea I just daydreamed for fun, then I thought, why not write it out?
So again, please comment.
Thank you!

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