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Lily was silent for a moment, she didn't think of this, she had no proof.

"Well, I uh...have no proof..." Ciel looked as if he was expecting as much. He walked closer to her intimidatingly. Lily gulped in worry but realized fear would get her no where. So she straightened up and put on a confident look.

"However, if I was lying, what would be the point? I'm sure anyone out to get you could come up with a better excuse than being your sister. It's your choice whether you believe me or not, but either way I ask, if you would kindly let me stay at the manor." Ciel looked pleased by her display of confidence.

"Tell me, what is of the man who held you captive, where is he now?" He asked with a straight face, Lily knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince him. She actually hoped Cedric was alive, just so he could tell Ciel the truth. But would he even believe that?

"I left him in an alleyway where he had chased me, I do not know whether he is alive or dead..."

"You didn't think to check his pulse?" Ciel stated making Lily seem stupid.

"Well he had broken my wrist and beat me several times before I wasn't gonna risk getting caught before!" She said with slight anger in her voice.

"Alright, Sebastian, search for this man and question him. Find out the truth" Ciel said turning to the butler.

"Yes, my lord" replied Sebastian as he was gone in less than a second.

"Now" Ciel began, "are there any other witnesses to your "situation"?" She nodded and began to speak.

"There is one, a young girl, she actually saved me you could say..." Ciel nodded

"And how is that?"

"After one of my escape attempts Cedric, the man who kidnapped me, beat me and left me in an alleyway unable to walk until he cared to get me. The girl saw me as I attempted to...end my life..." Ciel actually developed a facial expression at this, but gestured for her to continue.

"She stopped me, and told me she would help me whenever she could, when I told her my name she said the next day she would give me information she knew on my family. That is how I found out about you, she also brought me food and water until Cedric took me back." Lily stopped for a second then continued with the end of the story.

"She had said her father was basically obsessed with your family...and that...he um..." Ciel's eyes widened as he knew what she was talking about and went straight to the point.

"What was this girl's name" he said so sternly it made Lily slightly jump. She stuttered slightly, now realizing he must already know who she is, which made her worried for her friend that had helped her through so much.

"Doll, she called herself Doll..." Ciel's face turned back to it's cold expression.

"Well then she will be of no help" Lily looked confused.

"Well why not?" Ciel still held his cold look.

"She is dead" Lily gasped, the words hitting her harder than bricks.

"W-what? How?!" Sebastian returned interrupting their conversation.

"I was able to get enough information out of him" Ciel stopped him from talking

"Later, right now please inform our guest of the events of the circus troupe" Sebastian nodded

"Yes, of course, but why is that information needed?" Ciel turned away heading down the hall.

"She was good friends with Doll" Lily had tears streaming down her face at this point.

"May I ask, young master, why you won't tell her?" Ciel still walked off

"I... have work to do" Sebastian nodded, with a slight smirk and faced Lily, who was wiping her tears. She looked up at Sebastian, who gave no hesitation or sugar coating in telling her everything that happened. Lily was shocked, but that shock immediately turned into anger towards Ciel.

"Now, my lady if yoy would be kind enough to-" Lily cut him off, filled with rage.

"No! I am not doing anything but what I want! Take me to Ciel NOW" Sebastian looked surprised at her sudden outburst, then smirked laughing slightly, of which Lily gave no notice.

"As you wish" he said bowing, now leading the furious sister straight to his young master. Ciel became angered when Sebastian entered the room with Lily, laughing quietly.

"Sebastian why did you bring her here" He said gritting his teeth.

"Well she requested to see you, and you never said she could not see you" He glared daggers at Sebastian as he continued to smirk. Before any other words could be said Lily stormed up to Ciel's desk slamming down both her hands, Ciel slightly jumping.

"This your fault! She never wanted to hurt anybody! You could have let her go! WHY, WHY DID YOU HAVE HER KILLED" Ciel avoided eye contact as he spoke,

"She attacked me how else would I react?" Lily became even more furious,

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT" Ciel turned to her like she was crazy

"Don't you realize?! Her family was killed! And it was your fault! Wouldn't you want revenge on who killed your family! Don't you?!" Ciel's eyes widened as he realized her point, turning away yet again.

"Look me in the eye!" She said and rashly snatched his chin turning it to her as they were now face to face, each of them giving deadly expressions. While Sebastian simply chuckled quietly in the background.

"Don't touch me!" Ciel yelled slapping her hand away. Before Lily could strike back a high pitched call could be heard from the halls.


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