The Vow 4

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Chapter 4

(Don't listen to the song yet you'll know when....)

When I awoke I was lain atop a wooden bench, no pew was a more correct term. A tattered blanket thrown over me, the wood beneath me was pocked and scarred darkened with water and age. The walls around me were broken the stone chipped and cracked shredded tapestries adorning the walls.

Above me the roof was caved in, in certain areas the stars and moon throwing a bluish hue to everything it shone in lone patches, illuminating the once glorious carpets and the shining remains of what must have been an alter. The alter held what seemed to be a forgotten banquet candlesticks once used in prayer fallen over the goblet spilled the once red liquid dried and flaking on the stone alter looking almost of blood.

Blood. Suddenly the only thing I could hear was the rush of my own blood the steady yet erratic beat of my heart, in time with the frantic shouting of one word "kill" replaying over again in my mind.

My heart felt like a lead core pulsing in my chest, the feeling unlike anything imaginable, horrendous in its own way. It was as if darkness seeped from that dark core and through my very veins as insubstantial as a ghost and yet I knew that it was there with a certainty beyond even my understanding.

Clutching my chest I fell on one knee my eyes wide I could feel the tears gathering in the corner almost as if seeking refuge. Then I wailed one long note of pure torment my voice spiraling up into the sky releasing all the feelings locked in my heart. Before I knew it I felt it, felt someone behind me wrapping me in a warm embrace their arms sheltering me from the pain and the defiling darkness within my own heart.

Then my vision drifted yet again as I soundlessly slipped into yet another slumber. When next I awoke I heard a voice speaking , no, singing the words a haunting melody unknown to me the language as foreign as the building around me.

(listen to song NOW)

"Scorre lento il mio tempo,

Che scivola sul velo della mia pelle nuda se,

Oltrepassassi il confine che,

Mi hai dato forse io non sarei qui."

Locating the source of the sound I saw Cain standing in front of the forgotten alter his back to me, he wore a black coat long and untied snapping with the wind, his auburn mane twisting and blowing in the wind.

"Da adesso ormai che senso ha,

Cercare di abbracciare un passato più puro,

Guardando avanti rischierò,

Ma riesco a rispondere ai.

Miei perché

Tutto ciò che sarai,

Era già stato scritto.

Se davvero esiste,

Questo dio ha fallito."

His voice was quiet echoing through the room and resonating in the night, his song somehow releasing me. I wondered why would Cain keep me alive after I tried to kill him, how this could have happened how that darkness could have penetrated my heart.

"Ogni parola pronunciata,

Sarà lo specchio del tuo dolore.

Riflette la colpa,

Alimenta l'odio.


Il mio destino,

Scelgo se,

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