Chapter 22

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August the next year, back at the beach house


The smell of the salty air was so calming as it blew through my hair. I sat in the rocking chair on the porch, trying to read my book, but I kept looking up to the beach where Chris was running around with Nugget, our golden retriever puppy. He was teaching him, or at least attempting to teach him, how to fetch.

"You bring the stick BACK to me, Nugget!" I heard him yell after the spazzy dog. I giggled and focused back down to my book. I re-read the same line before I realized I was not focusing. Looking up again towards Chris, I realized that for the first time in my life, reality was better than my book fantasy. I smiled wistfully, and closed the book, placing it on my chair.

I jogged down to the beach and playfully jumped on Chris' back.

"NUGGET! HELP! THERE'S A CRAZY LADY ATTACKING ME!" Chris yelled while falling to the ground, bringing me crashing on top of him. Nugget barked and jumped on top of both of us, making Chris and I laugh.

I laid on top of Chris and caressed his cheek while taking in all his features. He was so gorgeous, I couldn't even comprehend. "It's good to be back here," I said dreamily, looking towards the ocean. The sun was starting to lower, and a orange and pink tint filled the sky.

"Anywhere with you is my favorite place to be," Chris said cheekily, making me swat him. "I think I got Nugget to finally fetch. Wanna see?"

"Of course I do!" I yelled as we picked ourselves out of the sand and brushed off. I crouched down and ruffled the small dog's fur. Standing up, I exclaimed, "Let there be fetching!"

Chris chuckled and grabbed a small stick, holding it up to Nugget so he could see. "Ready boy? Fetch!" He hurled the stick towards a rocky area, and the small dog flew towards it. He got to the area and started sniffing around, but seemingly lost sight of his target.

Chris grumbled and I sidled up next to him to give him a side hug. "It's okay, baby. He will learn eventually!" I smiled up at him and he pulled me in, kissing the top of my head. I felt Nugget nudge my leg and I looked down to see he had something in his mouth. I crouched down with Chris behind me looking on, and grabbed a small wooden box out of his mouth.

"What did you find, boy?" I asked, giving him a belly scratch. I opened the box and inside, nestled in black satin was a gorgeous ring. The sunset light caught it perfectly and it sparkled magnificently. I stood up quickly and spun around to find Chris on bended knee. He was smiling his dazzling smile, while in the background was the most gorgeous sunset I could have possibly imagined.

"Paxton Ivory Jones," he started.

"Wait!" I stopped him and he laughed. I closed the ring box and handed it to him. "Ok, go."

He chuckled and continued, "Paxton Ivory Jones, when you came into my life, I wish I'd known how drastically you'd change me. I would have searched for you years ago. You flipped my life on its head, and made it the most beautiful life I could have ever imagined for myself. You are everything I never knew I needed-- you represent everything good in the world to me." He stopped and took my hand in his, and I wiped a stray tear from my eye.

"You are the funniest, sweetest, kindest, and most understanding person I've ever met. Your heart for people and the way you look straight into my soul is the most refreshing quality. You are my best friend, and I want to spend the rest of my life being lucky enough to be loved by you." He pulled the ring out of the box and held it out. "Will you marry me?"

Tears flowed down my cheeks and I all but screamed yes at Chris. He got up and kissed me deeply, picking my up and swinging me around in the process. Nugget barked and ran circles around us on the beach. Chris put me down and slid the ring on my finger. It was simple, just like us, and I loved it so incredibly much.

We walked towards the water and sat in the sand. I leaned up next to him as we stared out at the sunset, now turning a deep purple color. The cool water kissed our toes, and Nugget curled up behind us in the sand. I looked at Chris and I knew that this moment was perfect. 

"How'd you get Nugget to fetch the ring box?" I asked finally.

"Lots of expertly placed treats, sweetie," he said. We both laughed loudly.

I wish I could capture those feelings and relive this moment forever, but I know I can't. So I just sat there on the beach, and lived in perfection for as long as I could.


A/N: AHHH I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER. I loved writing it. The story isn't over yet, but it's definitely close. I hope to finish soon. Thanks!!!

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