Chapter 6

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The whole drive home my heart was beating rapidly. I still felt the heat throughout my body from seeing Chris, even for such a short time. Sophie was still talking about how she couldn't believe what just happened, but her voice seemed so far off over the sound of my own thinking.

As we were walking into the apartment, my phone pinged, and Sophie lunged towards me to snatch my phone, but I pulled away before she could. I looked down and saw his name. Chris Pratt. Right there on my phone. My breath caught and I shakily unlocked my phone.

Hey, Paxton. Come to 7654 Caesar Drive, and I have my team of people with dresses, hair and make-up. Don't be nervous, and I can't wait to see you (and Sophie!)  :-)

I couldn't help but smile as I read his text, and I showed Sophie what he said. She shrieked and bounced around the apartment screaming, "We're going to a movie premiere! We're going to a movie premiere!" I laughed and started jumping around with her. I could not believe I was going to a movie premiere for a handsome man, who seems to like seeing me.

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.


We pulled up outside the address Chris sent. It was a beautiful building painted white with ornate gold and black designs. We walked in and were whisked away to salon chairs. A beautiful woman with perfectly bobbed blond hair wrinkled her nose while lifting my hair to examine it. I had never felt more self conscious in my life. My cheeks burned as she continued to look at me like I was hopeless and she couldn't make me beautiful even if she tried.

Sophie on the other hand was living the dream. The flamboyant man that was attending to her was showering her with compliments about her hair, skin, bone structure, and anything else imaginable. I turned back to peer at the woman studying my face with eyes squinted and with a thick Russian accent said,"Let's get to work, Pierre."

After what seemed like hours and hours of make-up, dress picking, hair curling, and grim looks from the perfect Russian model, Sophie and I stood in front of the full length mirror. My best friend looked gorgeous, wearing a dark maroon colored dress with fitted top and a long flowing bottom. Her hair dark hair was in a simple up-do with soft curls framing her face.

My hair was in curls, make-up done beautifully, and in a simply stunning navy dress that flowed off my body perfectly while accentuating my olive skin and baby blue eyes. I honestly could not wait for Chris to see me like this. I felt amazing.

"Paxton, we gotta head out," Sophie said, breaking through my haze.

"There is a driver outside waiting to take you," Pierre, Sophie's stylist, said excitedly.

We looked at each other, let out a shriek, and grabbed our clutches. Stepping outside, there was a long black limo waiting for us. A driver stepped forward saying, "Miss Jones, Miss Garcia," he nodded in greeting and opened the door for us. We climbed in and took in the large backseat.

Sophie grabbed some champagne with two flutes and poured us a glass. "To new adventures," she toasted, and we clinked glasses. We both downed our glasses, Sophie, because she loved her Champagne, and me, because I needed liquid courage.

My phone went off in my clutch and I read the text from Chris:

I hope everything went well with the stylists. Even though you don't need all that fancy stuff :-) After the walk on the red carpet, I hope I can talk to you before the movie. C U soon!

My heart started beating fast. I smiled, because I couldn't help but feel thrilled that this was my life. But then I thought about Anna Faris. They had been dating forever, and I can't believe how fast I was falling for this man, when he was probably just being nice. I was a charity case. I groaned, and Sophie grabbed my hand. "It'll all be okay, Pax. I know what you are thinking, and he's a good guy. Have some faith."

We pulled up outside and I was shaking. "Are you ready?" Sophie questioned.

"Let's do this," I said.

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