Chapter 2

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The first few weeks of classes passed by quickly. Friday rolled around and before I knew it, I was getting ready to go out for a night of who knows what with Sophie. I stared at my closet not having a clue what to wear. My clothes were boring to say the least. I was a fan of comfort, which for me, meant clothes that hung loose around my small frame. My small closet was filled with sweaters, hoodies, and t-shirts. Nothing fit to go out on the town in, that's for sure.

"I told you we should have gone shopping," Sophie said, leaning against my door frame. Her hair was in an up-do, and she was tapping a make-up brush against her cheek. I looked back to the clothes and shook my head.

"I know that now. I thought I could find something," I mumbled.

"Lucky for you, my dear, I found something for you when I went out shopping for myself," she smirked. "Come take a look." She motioned for me to come with, but she must have seen the hesitation written all over my face. "Don't worry, Pax. It's perfect for you."

I followed hesitantly into her room down the and across the hall. We have shared an apartment for three years now. It was big enough that we each had our own space, yet small enough that we could afford the rent. I turned into the room which was covered in clothes. She led me over to her desk to which what she bought me was laid out.

Before me I saw a cream colored lace crop top paired with a distressed pair of jean shorts. With the ensemble was a thin and flowing burgundy cardigan and finished with a pair of cream and gold wedges that matched the shirt perfectly. I stared at the outfit in awe. It was the perfect outfit. Just enough outside my comfort zone that it made me nervous, but Sophie still tied in things that I loved. I glanced over and she looked very pleased with herself.

"Sophie, it's incredible," I whispered.

"I know, and you are going to have all the boys drooling over you, just wait."

She drug me into our bathroom and got to work curling my long blond hair into soft curls that cascaded down my back. Next she started my makeup by giving me an effortless looking smokey eye look that made my blue eyes pop. As Sophie was finishing up her look, I went to my room to throw on my new outfit. Stepping in front of my full length mirror, I was impressed. I'd traded my usual glasses for contacts and was surprised at how big my eyes looked. My five foot frame got a boost with the wedges and made my legs look a little longer. I was fascinated. I was in awe. And I felt GOOD.

Sophie peeked into my room, and broke into a grin. "You look amazing, Paxton. And I can't wait to get out on the town."

For once, I replied with an honest, "Me too."

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