» 9: R.I.P.

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Weaponless and outnumbered. Those were the two thoughts racing through my mind as I glanced at the two villains cornering me. One holding a blade, while the other a gun, each itching to pierced the thin layers of my skin. "An admirable choice," Deathstroke spoke, his words dripping with what I could vaguely identify as interest.

"Admirable?" Joker scoffed, his crimson smile tugging ever so wider at his face. Sparking a fire in his eyes. "Hahaha.. far from it." I watched as his knife shifted between his hands, "All I see is a brat who hasn't experienced what it is to lose." My glare deepened as his tongue slid across his lips. "Face it, kid. There's no way out of this."

"Are you sure you wish for both at the same time?" Deathstroke interrupted, completely waving off the madman; much to his irritation.

"My answer remains the same. Both if you will." My hand slid around my hood, pulling it further down over my face. Leaving only my grin in sight. For now.

"Very well."

And then they charged.

I shifted as I heard the firing of a gun behind me, the bullet whizzing past my head as I watched Joker charge forward, blade aimed at the center of my stomach. Listening as another bullet was cocked into the chamber of the gun, I quickly extended my hand, letting the blade slide across the skin of my arm before I gripped the Jokers wrist. Halting his movements for a second.

Ignoring the stinging in my arm and the blood trickling down my hand, dripping off the tips of my fingers, I used my other hand to slam into his elbow, popping it out of place. He fell with a shrill cry, dropping the blade into my hand. But, it wasn't quick enough.

Pain shot through my body as I felt the small piece of metal pierce into my back, cleanly piercing through my stomach, and finally the wall. I bit my tongue to stop the scream clawing its way up my throat. Letting out a shaky breath, I peered back at Deathstroke, said person already loading another bullet into the chamber. "You're still standing? Impressive." He spoke, aiming the gun at my head. "But, not impressive enough." I watched as his finger slid to the trigger, and as the bullet shot out. Doing my best to evade said bullet, I felt as it pierced through the soft flesh of my shoulder. Clenching my jaw, I glared up at the single light bulb illuminating the room. Tightening the grip on the blade in my hand, I threw it, watching as it pierced through the delicate glass, and blanketing the room in pure darkness.

I was completely blind, but so were they. Silently crawling to one of the corners of the room, I quietly let out a breath, hand gripping the wound in my stomach, my other arm now immobile. "Where did the brat go?!" I heard Joker hiss.

I jumped as a bullet was fired, the small spark lighting the room for a fraction of a second. I backed up further into the wall if that was even possible. I need to get out.

"You can't hide forever, R," Deathstroke spoke, another bullet illuminating the room. "Whether it be one of my stray bullets, or eventually being found, you will die."

Another shot.

It was all I could do to keep myself quiet. The screams trying to tear their way past my lips growing ever so violent. My tongue was drowning in the taste of metallic. I could only imagine the blood trickling out and onto my skin.

"There's also the option of him dying from blood loss," Joker added the sound of cracking bones echoing throughout the room from what I could only presume is him popping his elbow back into place. The amount of tolerance that madman has for pain will never fail to amaze me.

Another shot.

"Yes. Blood loss." Deathstroke hummed, his footsteps echoing around the room. How funny would it be if they ran into each other? The thought brought a smile to my face, but another shot wiped it away.

Come on Dick! Think! Think dammit!

"So your names Dick?"

I felt the air leave my lungs as I listened to that familiar voice in my head.

Kid Flash?

"The one and only."

Oh my god. I'm going crazy. The blood loss is getting to my head.

"R, you are not going crazy. I am telepathically connecting everyone's minds so we can hear each other and the fact I can reach yours means your close!" Miss Martian joined.

"R, where are you?" Kid Flash interrupted. "And what do you mean by blood loss?"

"You're hurt. I can feel it." Miss Martian spoke.

This is so fucking weird.

"Show yourself, kid!!" Joker yelled, another shot being fired by the mercenary.

"I wouldn't doubt he's unconscious by now." Deathstroke stated.

"R. Where are you." Kid Flash asked again.

I froze as I listened to the sound of the gun being loaded in front of me, getting ready to fire. "Found you," Deathstroke whispered.

I'm in the basement! Please hu-



Author Note:

Soooooooooo... R's dead. So, I guess that's the end of the book. Thank you for reading!! Hope Y'all enjoyed!! :D


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