» 04: I Did Not Agree To This!

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I ripped my arm from his grip as we entered the Watchtower. My actions receiving a piercing glare. What can I say? I don't appreciate being handled by grown men in bat suits! "This way." He instructed, walking past and expecting me to follow. Like some kind of dog. Which I did.

It's not like I had anything better to do.

I practically drank in the interior of their base. I had heard of it, and even knew where it was located, but I never had the time to actually attempt to break in. White tile and walls, bright blinding lights, and the occasional hero walking past, shooting me a look. 

I couldn't help but wave.

We abruptly came to a stop in front of a metal door, the sound of bickering voices could be heard coming from inside. "Sounds like a couple people need a happy meal." My comment simple received a glare in response and the sound of an opening door.

Tough crowd.

All arguing had died down once all eyes had landed on Batman and myself. Everyone who was sitting, standing to greet him. "Is this the boy you were telling us about?" Superman had asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I come in peace Kryptonian," I said with a cheeky grin. "Besides, I left my kryptonite at home." He became visibly uncomfortable, quickly taking his eyes off me and directing them at the 'big bad bat'.

As if I've never spoken, said bat answered Superman's previous question. "Yes, this is him. R, the hacker everyone- villain or hero- had been coming to for information regarding anyone about anything."

"Including yourself," I added with a hum.

"..Yes, including myself." He agreed with a sour gaze. "He is now being targeted by the Joker, and since he knows so much information about the League, I believed the best course of action was to put him under our protection." Way to get to the point, bats, I thought as I nodded beside him with my own arms folded over my chest.

"How do we know we can trust him?" Flash had asked. It was starting to feel like they've forgotten I was here.

"We don't." Wow.. thanks. "Which is why I will be.. questioning him myself." Batman finished.

Questioning.. aka interrogating.

"Uh.. hold on a sec." I spoke up, "I did not agree to an interrogation. Hell! You practically forced me to come here." I added with a finger pointed at Batman's chest.

"This is not up for discussion." He stated.

"Good luck. I ain't going to come so willingly."

"We'll start simple. What is your name?" He asked, arms folded across his chest as he stood across from me. Whilst I was forced to sit in a chair. Luckily, I convinced him not to cuff my hands to the table.

"It's R," I started casually.

"Your real name." He stated a bit harsher.

"You're the world's greatest detective-" I stated, running a hand through my messy hair"-you tell me." I ended with a smirk.

His gaze seemed to soften slightly as he sighed. "R, we are on your side. We just need you to cooperate and give us some information. How about your family, where are they now?"

"They're dead." I stated, glancing down at the table. I paused a moment before laughing slightly, but it defiently wasn't real. My exposed eyes met his hidden ones. "They fell while doing an act."

"An act?"

I leaned back in my seat, looking at the ceilings above me with a small smile. Thinking back on all of those perfect shows they put on. It disappeared once that grim night polluted my mind. "Mary and John Grayson. The stars of Halys Circus."  I noticed the flicker of realization cross his features as I continued. "It happened in Gotham actually. We were putting on a show for some billionaire. Things got messy though and they died." I paused a moment so I could fully face him. "But I dont really need to tell you all the details, do I, Bruce?"

"How did you know?" He asked, staring at me with a hurricane of emotions.

"What? You honestly don't think I would go through the trouble of learning all of the League's identities and forget about you?" I smirked.

"So you know each and every one of the league's identities?"

"Of course. Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Barry Allen. I even know the name of the little team you recently made. Conner Kent, Wally West, Artemis Crock-"

"You've made your point." He interrupted. Clearing his throat, he asked something else. "Why is it you do what you do?"

"To survive, obviously. This information," I pointed to my head. "is my protection."

"And have you ever thought that this information is a risk to your life? An enemy deciding it'd be better off killing you than letting you live."

"Oh. I have thought of that risk, even had a few baddies attempt it once or twice- twelve times. But, it's the weirdest thing. It's almost as if they weren't able to beat me." I leaned my head into my hand. "Now, why might that be?"

"So, you know how to fight?"

"It'd be suicide not to."

"Yet you still weren't skilled enough to take on The Joker?"


Author Note:

...I know what you're thinking.




Well, writing is hard. Okay?! And there will be BirdFlash next chapter. Okay?! Gawd. ヽ(`Д´)ノ Plus. I was watching Sherlock.

Benedict Cumberbatch is bae. <3

Lol. Anyway, here's an update! Sorry, it was so short, it's just, I didn't have much to include in this chapter. Hopefully, next chapter will be longer. Probably will.

Welp. I hope you enjoyed!


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