» 06: A... Talk?

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"Ouch." I hissed, moving the wet rag away from my mouth. Kid Flash frowned slightly, dipping it in water once again.

"Sorry," He apologized, ringing it out. "I'll try to be a bit more gentle." The rag was once again dabbing away the blood from the corner of my mouth. An awkward silence slowly plaguing the room, but I didn't dare say a word just yet, and neither did he for several moments. "Why is the Joker after you?"

I sighed as I was given a small red ice pack, gently pressing it against my face. "Because I wouldn't give him the information he wanted."

"Why not?"

"He broke his end of the deal." I shrugged, keeping my gaze away from his. He grew quiet for a few moments, seeming to be pondering something.

"Are all these wounds because of him?" He asked, eyes looking over my burnt clothes and bandaged skin.

I simply shrugged, "Its nothing to worry about. I'll live."

"What was the information about?" This time I did meet his gaze, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"That's a secret, speedster. You would need to make some kind of payment to know." I leaned forward slightly, dropping the ice pack from my face.

"Okay," He agreed. "What would you like?"

"How about a kiss?"

He immediately grew flustered, face turning the same color of his hair. Yep, he's Adorable. "I-I uh. I don't need to know that badly!"

I laughed. "Fine. How about you let me take you on a date when this is all over?"

He immediately grew calmer, still a bit red. A small sigh slipping past his lips. "Okay."

I held out my hand and he took it, shaking on our new agreement. "It's a deal." I pulled him forward a bit, "and remember, I never go back on a deal." I laughed as he grew redder, letting him go so we weren't so close.

"Now, for what that information is." I ran a hand through my hair, "It was information about the JLA and each and every one of their weaknesses. Superman and kryptonite, Martian Manhunter and fire, the whole package. What he wanted with this information, I have no clue nor do I care to ask. But, it must've been something important if he tried to bury me alive in a burning building for it."

"Wow. I'm kinda glad he didn't get that kind of information." He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh, still a bit red. "We'd be toast."

"Yeah. I suppose I'm glad he didn't, too."

"So.. do you have any other name besides R? Like, your real name?"

"Now information like that definitely requires a kiss." I hummed. I leaned back in my seat next to the kitchen counter. "Besides, I use to be pretty famous, so my name should be obvious if you look in the right places."

He pondered a moment. "Nah," he shook his head. "I'd rather you tell me yourself."

"That's up to you when it happens. I already named my price."

He laughed. "Looks like I'm going to be waiting quite a while, then."

"Looks like."

"Are you two done flirting yet?" An irritated huff spoke behind us, my favorite archer standing in the doorway. Hands placed sassily on her hips as she popped them out to the side.

Girl, you aren't even cute.

"Oh! Look who it is, Miss wannabe hero! Tell me, have you found a plug for that hole in your head yet? The one that makes that obnoxious noise."

Kid Flash snorted out a laugh as she did her best to give me an intimidating glare. "Fuck you."

"Nah, you're not really my type." I shot back. "Too much up top and not enough down under.

"What are you? Gay?" She snorted.

"Hmm maybe." I shrugged, sending a cheeky smirk. "I mean, I'm defiently thinking gay things about this cute ginger next to me."

They both froze for a moment.

"I came to get Kid Mouth. A last-minute mission came up and Batman said he wants us to deal with it immediately." She stated quickly.

Awe.. she's taking him away. Sad face.

Kid Flash stood, giving me a small smile. "We'll be back in a bit. Don't go anywhere." And then he zoomed out, the Archer following after.

Leaving me all alone.



Author Note:

Ayyyyye. Short chapter. Yasss. Jk. Next one will be longer because R is gonna do some snooping. ;)

But, awwwwwwwe. BirdFlash. ;^; I love it. And Dickie is the dominant one in the relationship.! Niiiiiice.

Then we have Artemis. Little bitch. Am I the only one who never really liked her? She always bugged me. Just Stahp. Lol.

Welp, I hope y'all enjoyed!


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