The Date

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Hey Guys! enjoy ma next chapter! please leave comments!! xxx



Niall POV

When I got home from my walk I was walking through the front door when I got a text. I fumbled through my pockets till I found my phone. It was from Charlie!

“Hey Niall, It’s Charlie J was wondering if you were free tomorrow? Maybe we could get together?” I jumped up and down but I lost my footing and tripped over and hit my head on the wall. SHITTT BALLSS

“OOOoooOoo ooooo ooooooowWww!!” I cringed on the floor for a few minutes then picked myself up and grabbed my phone.

“Yeah, sounds awesome! Dinner then a movie? Ill meet you in the field at 4 x” I waited for a reply.

“Sounds great cya then! xx” I stared at the phone. SHE GAVE ME 2 KISSED! Oh my! I wondered if she fancied me, although we only knew each other for a few days I felt something between us.

Charlie POV

Words could not describe my excitement! I was going to the movies with Niall! He was so sweet and his braces were just adorable. Tomorrow I would be going out with Niall! I gathered myself then went bounding downstairs to tell mum! Halfway down the stair I sort of tripped, but then I gathered myself and continued on my way to tell mum the good news.

“Oh that sounds lovely darling! Is he cute?”

“MUM!” I quickly defended! “ I only just met the guy!”

“Ahah ok, ok, which reminds me how DID you meet him?”

“Ummm well” I didn’t want to tell mum about my secret place so I had to think quickly. “When I went for a walk yesterday I met him, him and some friends moved in next door”

“Oh ok, that sound nice, well yes of course you can go but be home by 10 at the latest ok?”

I readily agreed. I ate dinner as quickly as I knew how, cleaned up my plated then ran upstairs to phone Scarlett. I quickly texted her and told her to Skype me. We talked on their for about an hour and a half about what I should wear, if we thought he was interested, what he looked like and all that. Although I could tell Scar was excited for me she seemed a little bit more Interested when I told her that Niall had 4 friends he was staying with.

“ Scar! Niall said 2 of them have girlfriends!”

“And that just leaves the other two!” she giggled.

I sat back and painted my nails a light pink whilst she was talking about all the people at my old school and all the latest goss, she was so excited about coming out here for a few weeks. I looked at her and admired her beauty. Scarlet was by far one of the most fun loving, spontaneous, flirtatious and gorgeous girls I had ever met! And I loved her so much and she just helped me so much with my illness. She had Wild, dark brown hair, red lips, deep brown eyes, tanned skin, she was thin yet curvy and had the most contagious laugh you ever heard. I finished painting my nails and put my hair in some overnight curlers. They made my hair all neat and wavy. After all this gas bagging we had both gotten tired, I blew her a kiss and said goodnight to her shut down my laptop and turned out my bedside lamp. I grabbed my IPod and played solitaire on it till I felt I could no longer keep my eyes open. I put it on my bedside table then closed my eyes for the last time that night. I pictured Niall and how beautiful he was then I was asleep.

Niall POV.

Today was the day, I thought. Today was the day that I had a date with Charlie. I was so excited. I told the boys about Charlie and how great she was, all the hoys were really supportive about it and I couldn’t wait.  I felt as if the day had just flown past and I was waiting in the field, wild flowers in hand, best cologne on waiting for Charlie to arrive. I had such expectations for the night I could barely contain myself. I waited, and I waited… seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. I sat in the field and looked at my watch. 6.30…she should have come by now, she had stood me up. The sun was just setting and I sat and watched the flowers I had picked wilt in my hands. Of course she stood me up, why would anyone want to go out with me. She probably just asked because she felt sorry for me. I slowly got up and was about to go home when I thought I should confront Charlie and see what her problem was with me. I walked in the direction of her house till I came to a quaint little cottage. I walked up to the door and knocked and knocked and knocked, no one answered. I left the wilted flowers at her door and returned home and went straight to bed. I was so depressed, I hardly knew the girl yet she had done something to my heart I never thought a girl could have in such a short amount of time. I fell into darkness. I didn’t see Charlie in the field for days after and decided I should forget about her.

Even the sun sets in paradise (One Direction Niall Romance)Where stories live. Discover now