Getting To Know You

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Hey everyone! please give me feedback??? xxx



Niall POV

When I had got back to my house, I said hey to the boys and kept walking up to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and smiled. She was perfect. Her tumble of messy sandy blonde hair, her pink lips, her perfect skin, her light blue eyes. My day was already way better than it was before. Charlie, I thought, that’s a gorgeous name. I Decided to wait a bit then text her to see if she wanted to catch up again, maybe for dinner? While imagining how our date would go and what I would say, Louis interrupted me by running upstairs and jumping on me – his version of telling people that dinner was ready. I walked down stairs, now in a happier mood then what I was in before I had gone for my walk. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was.


“HELLOOOOO!?! Anyone in there??”

The boys interrupted my daydream

“What are u thinking about?” Liam questioned. I came back to reality.

“Nothing, just had a really good walk this arvo’ is all” I replied

We had dinner then I went back into my room, grabbed my towel and had a warm shower. Letting the water run over me I again thought of Charlie . I returned to my room and chucked on some trackies and a top. I reached for my phone and saw I had 1 new messages. One was from my mum

“Hey Sweetie! I miss you! Hope your having fun in Australia, Skype tomorrow yeah? Xxx” I replied a quick yes with some but I was a but disappointed that is wasn’t Charlie. I fell asleep dreaming of the goddess I had laid eyes upon today.

Charlie POV

I was lying on my bed thinking about what had happened in the field when I received a text message. It gave me such a fright I almost rolled off the bed but steadied myself and grabbed my phone. It was from scarlet, She was checking up on me and was confirming that she could still come here for a few weeks. I replied readily yet I must admit I was a little bit hurt that it wasn’t Niall. I fell asleep in a daydream lost between my subconscious and reality.

Niall POV.

I woke up earlier today at about 8 o’clock. I got up and made as much noise as I wanted knowing that I was alone, I suppose that was the advantage of living by myself. I chucked some pieces of toast into the toaster and sat on the lounge with a cup of tea then turned on the TV. I was in the middle of watching a cartoon when I heard my toast pop up. I climbed from my warm haven on the lounge and spread my toast with some strawberry jam. I sat and ate; although I was still hungry after I had finished the managers have been putting me on a diet because they say I eat too much. It wasn’t my fault that I thoroughly enjoyed food. I Then decided to go for a walk, I had a little thought that I would go down the field, after all Charlie may be down there again and I hadn’t really stopped thinking about her since yesterday. I changed then headed outside. I left a note on the door incase the boys were looking for my whilst I was gone although I doubt they would wake while I was out. I made my way to the small creek then made my way through the bushes I burst through the other side longing to see a goddess on the other side yet there was nothing apart from the field of flowers the way we had left it the day before. I sighed and thought that I may as well make the most of the quiet time I had. I went to the very middle of the field and laid down amongst the flowers letting the cool morning air and the warm sun surround me. I’m sure I would have fallen asleep right then and there if I had not heard the faint noise of giggling. I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the sun. I sat up and looked behind me to see a figure. In the shadow of the sun I saw a girl wearing a knitted jumper, yellow shorts, boots and a grey beanie. Her wild hair danced playfully with the breeze and I was in awe.

I stood up and brushed myself of then awkwardly said hi.

“hey” she replied acting much cooler than me.

“So what are you doing up at a time like this?” she smirked “It’s only 8.40?” she looked at he watch.

“Couldn’t sleep much” I said.

“Aww really? Too bad… were you about to fall asleep then? Oh I feel so bad!”

“No, no, no! it’s fine really!”

There was a small awkward silence where no one said anything. I slowly sat down again and she came over and joined me. We laughed about a few things and I told her about how the guys and me were in a band together. It just really surprised me at how she couldn’t recognize me, it was nice though, it would prove that she liked me for me and not because I am in a boy band. She stood up and said.

“well I’m getting tired just sitting here, lets go for a walk” I quickly agreed with her.

I stood up and watched her walk of in front of me. I mustn’t deny…I did check her out, So would you if you were in my position! After I had checked her out she turned around and blushed, OH LORD NO! SHE MUST HAVE NOTICED I WAS CHECKING HER OUT! This could not get more embarrassing. I followed and we ended up walking along the small creek. I sped up and walked next to her when she started telling a story. She was so animate and alive when she was talking, I looked at the sparkle in her eyes and watched her lips move as she grinned, laughed and talked. How I so badly wanted tot kiss those lips. They were so pink and looked so soft and I felt that I would have if at that very moment I had not walked straight into a tree. I fell to the ground in shock. Smooth going Nialler…

I didn’t feel so bad however when she burst out laughing, that smile and on her left cheek you could see a small dimple for. She couldn’t be more perfect I thought as she helped me up.

Charlie POV.

Over the next few days Niall and I hung out heaps in the field and down by the creek just talking and laughing I learnt more about him, he even sung for me once! His voice was like and angel and it sounded so familiar. I told him about this boy band my friend had introduced me to and how I loved listening to their music. He looked shocked when I told him the name of the band was One Direction.

“ Why are you so shocked?” I asked

“ Well…ummm…have you never seen any pictures of one direction?”

“No, not really ahah” I said scratching the back of my head. “I try to avoid seeing pictures and videos of bands I like. I have this expectation that they will be these beautiful boys, nice, king, funny, caring. The when I see that they are all snobbish I seem to loose interest. I hate guys who are like that so I’m enjoying just listening to their music. All I know is that there are five of them and their names are Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam and as I said before NIALL!” He looked at me oddly whilst I laughed. We were slowly becoming friends. I hadn’t met his friends yet but was dying to!

He was leaning back on his elbows when I sat down next to him and laid my head on hid warm chest and fell into rhythm with his steady breathes. Once again we parted our own ways and returned to our own homes.

Even the sun sets in paradise (One Direction Niall Romance)Where stories live. Discover now