The Meeting

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Hey Guys, this is my first ever fanfic i've written so please be nice and please write comments!!! xxx

Disclaimer: i do not mean any copyright, all these ideas are of my own, if there are any complications please contact me. Thankyou xx



Charlie Pov.

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the birds whistling and the sunlight filtering in through the lace curtains in my window. The sunlight danced gracefully over my wooden floorboards as the light morning breeze pushed the curtains to and fro. The country air wove its way into my room; I love those mornings where you can just wake up naturally. Ever since we had moved to the country, in doctors recommendation, I have been feeling a lot better, almost as if I were getting better, although that is nearly impossible. As I crawled out of bed I had the sudden realization that it was the summer holidays. I grabbed my towel of the rack and slowly plodded along to the bathroom. The water washed over me as I shampooed my hair. I walked back to my room and threw on my denim shorts and loose fitted NYC top and walked downstairs to be greeted by a very tired looking mother.

"Mornin' mum"

"Mornin sweetie" she murmured between her sips of coffee.

"Lily keep you up again last night?"

"Your sister had that nightmare again and refused to go back to her own bed"

"Aha aww well why don't you go back to bed I'll make brekkie for lily."

Mum looked at me gratefully.

"Thanks darling" she said as she walked off to bed, coffee in hand.

I sighed and walked into the small wooden kitchen and searched through the cupboards to find breakfast for me and lily.  As I grabbed out the box of fruit puffs I heard a pitter patter of feet coming from the hallway. From the doorway appeared a very tired looking lily. Her golden locks in a tangle. When the walked over to me her bright blue eyes sparkled in the morning sunlight.

"Hey sweetie" I said picking her up and she yawned. She was the tender age of 5 and was one of the cutest things I have seen.

"Hello" she mumbled rubbing her eyes.

I put her down and poured out her cereal and sat her in front of the TV. After about an hour mum woke up, which I was extremely thankful for, because as lovely as lily was I grew tired of occupying her. 

I slipped on my boots, tied my hair up and told mum I was going for a walk. As I crept down through the gum trees down a rough clay path I heard the moving trucks all the way from the neighbors house, the old couple that lived there just moved out, they ran a old B n’ B, I was sad about them moving, but it would be nice to meet some new people. The freshness of the morning woke me up and made me excited to get to my special place and quickly forgot about our new neighbors. I came to the small creek at the back of the property that connected our neighbors’ properties and ours. Next to the creek was a large grouping of tall gum trees and shrubs, I slid through my secret pathway and pushed back the last few branches to reveal my secret spot, the only place in the world that I could just come and be me. Before me lay a field of colorful wild flowers and tall grass. I pulled out my iPod and pushed the earphones into my ears. I turned the song to my favorite band at the moment and just danced and ran and sat in that field till around 12 when I unplugged my iPod and just lied down in the grass and stared at the sky, watching the clouds move lazily across the summer sky.

 Niall’s POV

I sat in the back of the car staring out the window with the wind in my hair as we drove down the old gravel road towards our new houses. The country was beautiful; it was weird moving from Ireland, to London and now to Australia. As we came into the driveway Louis Jumped up and down in his seat, Liam face palmed and Zayn was sitting next to Harry in the passenger seat trying to subtly glance at his refection in the side mirror. As Harry pulled us into the Driveway we all jumped out in excitement. We firstly looked through the three small houses and decided who would live where. Liam and Zayn and Louis and Harry decided to live in the two outer, big houses and I was to live in the small one in the middle. We all settled in nicely. The boys were running around like maniacs, they were so excited to be living in Australia for 2 months. We all went into Liam and Zayns’ house and sat in front of the TV. Louis and Zayn fell asleep and the others were drawing on them. I was not in a really in a good mood, I was feeling a bit homesick. I decided I would take a walk and clear my head. I walked far down the back of the yard down a small path when I came to a small creek. A walked along the edge. As I was walking I heard singing, not very good singing yet not bad, but was singing none the less. I followed the voice.

I scraped my way through some small shrubs when I stumbled through the other side of the bushes and fell over, as I picked myself up I quickly crouched down again. In the middle of a field full of wild flowers and grass was a thin girl dancing, eyes shut her iPod in her ears singing a familiar song. Her loose fitted grey top blew in the wind and her long blonde hair danced in time with her moving steps. Her orange shorts blended well with the flowers. I hid in the tall grass and just watched her mesmerized by her every move. I crouched there for a few minutes, when I realized what I was doing was incredibly creepy. I quietly stood up to go back down the path I had come, I was just about to go back through the bushes when a soft voice stopped me.


Charlie POV

It had just reached the climax of my favorite part of the song when I spun around to see a boy in a red shirt and brown trousers just about to walk back through the bushes that I had come from. My first thoughts were, oh my gosh! How embarrassing! He saw me dancing around like a mad cow and singing like a cat was being murdered. I quickly stopped him in his tracks

“HEY” I shouted

He quickly turned around his cheeks blushed red. He was Gorgeous! His blond hair all messy and his cute smile, my heart melted and I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks now. His hand reached behind his head scratching, Was he really watching me? He slowly walked over.

“umm hi” he said with a little Irish accent. Oh LORD KILL ME NOW!

“Hi” I replied trying to act casual.

“I’m Niall, me and my friends just moved in the next property over, sorry I…I didn’t realize we shared some land with you.”

“Ehe nah that’s okay, I’m Charlie” I said holding out my hand feeling a bit more confident. He looked a bit shocked then, like he had expected a different reaction from me.

“ HEY! You have the same name as one of the guys in my favourite band at the moment. Awww they sing like angels!” I Smiled ans I sat down and asked if he’d like to join me. We talked for a little bit, I asked about his friends, he said they were just four of his best mates and they were sharing the three houses there but he said he was there by himself. I looked at him sympathetically and thought, ill come share the house with you ;)…wait what!? Charlie you naughty girl don’t think of those things!

He was the same age as me which was great, I missed having my friends around, see I’d been homeschooled since we moved here and I see them sometimes but I do get lonely although I do see my bestest friend in the whole entire world a lot!  Her name was Scarlett and I was so excited that she’d be staying for a few weeks these holidays. She is arriving in 5 days and I was so happy! She lived about 3 hours away. Which brings me back to Niall, He was so funny. I was having a fun time when I glanced at my watch it was just past 1, CRAP!

“I’m so sorry!” I interrupted “but I have to go now, mum was expecting me home half an hour ago!” I got up and brushed myself of to leave when he stopped me and asked for my number. I almost giggled out loud but held it in. SOPHISTICATION CHARLIE! We exchanged numbers. Then both went back through the shrubs and parted in different directions. As I walked back down the clay path I glanced back at the small slice of perfection I had just laid eyes upon.

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