Kinda prolougish? Errrr

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Hello! This is my first fanfiction for Hetalia. I hope you enjoy! Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia if I did this would be canon wouldn't it?

1960, Ottawa Canada

Matthew's phone rang American Idiot screaming at him. "Yes Al?"

"Matt I found something, you need to come over to the dig I'm at." Alfred had a serious tone for once in his damn life. "There is proof that someone-besides Mom's people of course- was here before us. And It may be someone we know. Like we'll see them at the world meeting in 3 weeks."

Matthew breath hitched. "Al, where is your dig site?"

" L'Anse aux Meadows, at your place."

"I'll be there soon." Alfred hung up and Matt was left to think to himself. Who could Al possibly be talking about? He put on his coat and left home bringing Kumajilomo with him.

Oslo Norway March 2016

Alfred glanced at his brother sleeping next to him and then England who was glaring at them. "Bro wake up! Iggy is starin' at us and looks like he's gonna blow a fuse!" Matt stirred but didn't wake. "Mattieyou's coming over! Matt!" He didn't react. "Maaatttttttttiiiiiiiieeeeee! I'll get you those Timmies things you love if you just get up!" Five feet away was England who looked ticked. Matthew shot up and mumbled something about his brother needing to keep his promise this time.

"Oi! You need to stop talking Alfred and Matthew you need to stay up! Honestly I thought I raised you better than this…" Alfred started to tune Arthur out. He glanced at the people he's been keeping a secret from for 56 years. He and Matt never told them. Never. He almost slipped up a couple times. He was never sure if Matthew slipped up. He hoped not. The Jurassic Park theme blared. He fumbled with the phone a bit and pointed to his phone and the door believing they understood him.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Dr. Jones we need your help at a recent excavation. We found a place that would interest you and your...Brother was it?" Dr. Maheswaran paused for a second. "In any case I need you and if possible your brother here now."

"Oki Doki Doc! See you when we get there."

"Okay Jones. See you at the workplace."

Alfred hung up the phone and burst through the doorway. "Hey I need to grab Mattie because of totally heroic stuff! Bye!" He ran out the Representative of Canada dragged behind him cursing all the way

Point Rosee 2016

"Hello, Dr. Jones and Mr. Willams, Welcome to what we believe is part of Vinland." The dig looked average there was the strewn tools, the tired scientists, the normal. But in the camp, you could see turf walls in the trenches, a boulder the looked like it was used as a hearth, bog iron and ash residue in the dirt. The dig was even in the perfect location for a settlement! There was traces everywhere!

"WOAH! Mattie do you see this!" Alfred was running around looking at everything he could. "This could definitely help prove that Vinland is real! Maybe we could even confront them…"

"Confront who, exactly." Dr. Maheswaran's face showed some confusion. "You know what? Nevermind. With Jones, I don't want to know."

Matthew felt relieved she didn't. If she did she would probably think they were crazy. "Eh, Doctor? I was wondering aboot if you had any clue to which of the nordic countries had this settlement?"

"Norway I believe." Was the calm reply.

Please review if you want to! I could always do with helpful advice! It would make my day. Thank you.

Oh! And I'll put down the chapters really fast for the first five cause they're already on Fanfiction. I'm not changing the A/Ns or anything so don't be confused.

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