My Power and My Story

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Lucy POV.

We had now taken down 7k dragons and was now left with the last section of the dragons... we actually stand a chance. "Hold it there girls, your play time ends here.. i will destroy you and then all the other humans.." i heard a voice say... this voice was all to familiar.... how could he be alive, i guess he survived...... that bastard was the one killing my mother right before my eyes. She might be alive... but he was just killing her and laughing at the same time, he will pay..... "ZIRCONIS... how are you alive.. you bastard" i said with obvious hatred in my voice. "oh i see you know me do you, how nice, now get out of my way or feel my wrath" he said with an evil smirk on his ugly despicable green face... i despise him. "What are you trying to accomplish.. AND HOW ARE YOU HERE.... didn't you die 400 years ago." i asked. "oh you think i died no darling i never die and it seems you were there.. maybe an ishgar dragon because you certainly weren't on my side, after that reacting, i must have done something horrible" he said while laughing... such a bastard.. "YOU ATE MY MOTHER BEFORE MY VERY EYES WHEN I WAS JUST A KID. I WILL KILL YOU" i yelled and flew over to attack him. "Oh you'll kill me we'll se-" "OMNES DRAGON" my body starts to change once more this time i change into all my dragon forms at once this is my true power i posses the element of 29 different dragons.. "No you cant be strong enough to be a omnes dragon.. it must be an illusion.. YOU WON'T FOOL ME" he yells. "THIS IS NO ILLUSION FACE ME YOU BASTARD... YOU WILL REGRET HURTING MY FAMILY...EVER" i yell with all the power of my lunges its time for the big guns. "OMNES DRAGON ROARRRRR" i shoot a huge pilar of dark colors out, it destroys everything in its path, all that's left of him is the askes of his sorry existence.... "Now go to hell you bastard... you deserved... everything you got.." i say and everything fates... i fall to the ground.

Natsu POV.

"LUCEEEEEEE, HAPPY TAKE ME DOWN" i yell... Lucy got out of her dragon form and was now laying in her normal clothing on the ground.. that last attack must have done her in. "CELESTIAL ROAR" i hear the other dragon roar and then all the remaining dragons are now gone.... "Move aside" i hear, it must be the dragon Luce came with.. suddenly the dragon is gone and a female with pink hair and a star dress on stands besides me..
"Who are you.." i ask with confusion. "I'm Celestia a good friend of was it Lucy you call her, her mother is one of my closest friends i was here to bring back Lucy, however it seems like she went all out to kill that horrible dragon once and for all, it must have drained her magic completely..." she said and doesn't even seem concerned. "B-but she will be a-alright w-wont she" i ask " of course my boy her body has merely been drained, first from using all her dragon forms and then using her ultimate attack. She is just exhausted, no need to worry she will be just fine" she says then smiles.

(Timeskip - infirmary)

Lucy POV.

i wake up in the same bed... was all of this a dream? But it felt so real... i look to my side and see all my Fairy Tail friends and a pink haired female with a star dress... "oh you're awake, good to see you regained all your power child" the female says but there's no doubt about it it's Celestia.. "Celestia y-your a h-human b-but how?" i ask as confused as ever. "Oh its a new ability all dragons now posses" she says. "LUCY YOU WERE AMAZING" all my guild mates yell in harmony... it made my ears hurt.. must be that dragon hearing tho "Thanks (っ^▿^)i'm glad seeing all of you aren't hurt" i say its very comforting to have them all here. "Lucy you were total badass" Natsu says with a huge smile on his face.. "Hhahah thanks i guess" i say... "Lucy child can you tell us how you can possible be a dragon because i know i'm not the only one curious" i hear Master Makarov say. "Of course Master let me explain" i say... i guess i cant keep it a secret no more.. and they deserve to know anyways.

HAHAHAHHA cliffhanger sorry peeps but you gotta wait for chapter 5 t(>.<t) hope you enjoyed i'll update tom i think CX

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