lets build a house

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Sakura pov

Now I have a name and maybe two new friends. I wonder . Did I had friends before ? Madara and Hashirama were now looking at my . " So do you know were you're going to sleep ?" Asked Hashirama. Before Madara smacked his head .

" Idiot." He yelled" She doesn't remember anything! How do you want that she knows where to stay. " While Madara was yelling at Hashirama he looked really pissed and like his theeths became more sharper . Hashirama quickly enter a very deep depression state and began to apologize. I could not help but to laugh . It was really funny to see this.

" What is so funny ?" Asked a still pissed Madara .

"Nothing." I answers. " But where I am going to stay ? " I then asked. I wasn't going to sleep on the gras like that forever . Madara sigh .

" Well it is rather difficult. I can not take you to my clan . They will think that you are a spy sent from the enemy to spy on us. And for Hashirama it will be quite the same . " Said Madara. Hashirama nodded next to him . Look like he wasn't depressed anymore.

" Why would they think that I am a spy ? And aren't you two brothers ? " I asked them . I was wondering why they would live in two different places , since they act like brothers and for some reasons I tough they were brothers . The looked at me with wide eyes .

"WE ARE NOT BOTHERS !!" They cried in unison. " But since you have amnesia I'm not surprise that you don't know why." Said Madara.

" We are in war whit other clans." Said Hashirama." For these reasons of security me and Madara didn't told each other our last names. Because we don't know if we are enemies or not. And if some strange was to come for whatever reason. The clans would not let this one go away alive. So for these reasons we can't take you to our homes. Do you understand Sakura ?" I nodded. It would be dangerous if some members of the enemy clan knew about thier location.

" But won't your clans be worried if you don't come home ?" I asked them. The two of them suddenly paled .

" Shit. " Crused Madara. And Hashirama went in another depression state. I guess they forgot . But then I notice the reason they were here is that they were looking after me . I could feel that I was going in depression too​. I stand up and bowed.

" I'M REALLY SORRY " I yelled . The both of them looked at me with a confuse look.

" Why are you apologize Sakura?" Asked Hashirama still with a confuse look.

" Because of me you didn't go home and your clans must be worried about you. " I said while looking at them. But when I did , they became red. Why ? We're they angry at me ? But then I felt some weight on my feet. I looked to my feet only to see the purple kimono had fell on them. I felt my face blush of embarsment .I quickly kneel down . My knees against my chest to cover my as much as possible. The boys looked away and I took the kimono fast and i dressed myself with. And I verified that it wouldn't fall . Then I walked to Madara and Hashirama. They turned around and then I slapped them hard. They flied ten feet away. It could not be that hard. Right?

" We are lucky that she was unconscious the first time " said Hashirama. The first time? So it wasn't the first time they saw me naked !

"Idiot" replied Madara when he saw me walking thier way with a murderous aura . I slapped them again. But this time it was to the unslapp part of thier cheeks.​ but again they went flying ten feet away. now there was two red handprint on thier cheeks.

"Perverts." I said.

"Hey . Don't call us that." Said a pissed Madara. " It wasn't our fault that we found you naked and unconscious in the river." Hashirama nodded.

" Yeah. Madara gave you his kimono to cover you ." Said Hashirama. " But let's come back to our problem. You still need somewhere to sleep. " I nodded. We still didn't found a solution to this problem. After some thinking Hashirama had an idea.

" I think I have a solution. " He said before to ask us to follow him. We followed him till we came to a part of the forest near the river. But this part of the forest was empty. There were some trees surrounding of course. But a big part of it didn't had trees.

"Why did you take us here Hashirama ?" Asked Madara looking all over the place.

" Don't you see? There is place enough to build a house here. " Answer Hashirama.

" But what do it has to do with me having a place to stay ? " I asked him.

" We will built you a house here of course. " He answer me like the most obvious thing in the world. Me and Madara sweatdropped. How could he think that it was that simple to build a house. Like Hashirama was reading my thoughts he quickly said .

" You don't need to worry about the building part Sakura. With some wood jutsu we can easily made your house." Madara was thinking about it.

" Yeah." He said. " It is possible. But we will give you clothes and other things you might need . " When they said it like that. It seems almost easy.

" But for this jutsu . Won't you need much chakra ? " I asked them.

"Well ..Yeah. but it's okay. Me and Madara are strong . So it won't be a problem." Answer Hashirama . He began to made some hand sings and slammed them on the ground. Wood was coming out of the ground and began to form the house. Not even  five minutes later the house was finished.

 Not even  five minutes later the house was finished

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( It looked like this. More or less .)

" Wow." I said in awe. I ran inside. There's was enough space and there was self a cupboard. Hashirama did really a great job. The boys came inside and looked around.

" I'm really impressed Hashirama. I didn't know an idiot like you could do something like that. " Said Madara. He turned to look at Hashirama." Good job." He looked then at me. His onyx eyes were looking into mine. These eyes .Even thought it's night , I can clearly see them . I looked away from his eyes. My cheeks were getting hotter.

" We will stay with you here this night . And we will give you some clothes and other things you will need . And we will also learn you to hunt. " He said .

" Hunting ?" I said in a confuse tone. I didn't see the need to hunt.

" Well we won't always see each other , you know. And at these times you will need to be able to look after yourself. " Said Hashirama. I open my mouth , but closed it not long after having open it. I took my fingers to my chin. He was right . He and Madara have to fight. As shinobis it's​ thier duty. So there will be times I will have to do thing be myself.

" I.. understand." I said. " But now let's sleep. I'm really tired. " I said . I heard Madara yawn .

" I agreed with Sakura. Today was really tiring." Said Madara . Hashirama nodded. I laid down on the wooden floor. Hashirama laid next to my on my left and Madara laid down on my right. I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over in mine newly made home with my new friends beside me .

I'm really sorry. It is been a month that I didn't update anything. Sorry sorry sorry. 🙏

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