Chapter 4

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~~Y/N pov~~

Taehyung had a work to do at his company meanwhile I was in my house, watching a television together with Y/D/N. Then the door bell rang suddenly interrupted us. I was about to get up when Y/D/N make the first move.

"I will help you mommy" Y/D/N cutely said.

"Aww~ thanks sweetie~" I said to her and continue watching television as Y/D/N heading toward the door and open it.

"Hey Uncle!!!" Y/D/N happily said that.

"Hey sweetie~"

I gasped in surprise when I heard a really familiar voice. So I slowly turn my head, landing my eyes to the person who standing between the door frame.

I-it was Jimin. He look change a lot, more manly and more handsome than before.

"Mommy!! This is the guy who help me to find you two yesterday" She said it with a happy smile.

I get up, heading toward them. "Alright, sweetie. Err... can you go to your room first. I has something to talk with him." I instruct Y/D/N.

"Okay mommy~" she said and go upstair to go to her bedroom.

I stepped closer toward Jimin.

"What are you doing here?" I coldly ask him, feeling the hate and rage began to filling inside me as my mind reminiscing how he hurt me years ago.

"I was seek for your forgiveness after what I've done to you." Jimin said as his expression saddened.

"Forgiveness?" I was getting annoyed.

"Yes. I really didn't mean to do that to you since I was so drunk that time. I've been searching for you everywhere at Seoul to seek your forgiveness and now, i couldn't even tell how grateful I am to found you here so please. Please forgive me and come back to me and living with me again. I'm still your husband." Jimin said, holding back his tear as I start to feel guilty for him but that wouldn't never change my mind from forgive him.

"Sorry, I already make your wish to leave from that house and what do you want now? To living with you? If I did that, maybe one day the same thing will happens again. Our daughter already grown up. So we have to keep her heart. She already know everything. She is smart. She will sad if she know about this and I want you to forget about me and Y/D/N. That is a simple work is it?" I said, refused to forgive him and grind my teeth as I trying to hold back my tear.

"No, I will never do that. I know she is your daughter but she is mine too. She need a dad. Maybe she don't know about this from now but maybe she will. Please come back to me. My life were meaningless if you would wasn't here with me. I really don't mean to do that to you. Please forgive me. I need my wife and my daughter. You two are my breath. My everything. Please, I really need you two" Jimin begged as the tear began to rolled down from his cheek.

I couldn't hold myself anymore. "I'm so sorry" I said while closing the door, locked him outside.

He keep on knocking door while calling out my name. "Please forgive me. I really need you" the way he heavily crying break my heart into million pieces.

"I'm really sorry Jimin. I really miss you. I need you too but when I see you it remind me of the incident on 3 years ago. It's really hurt my heart, Jimin. I'm really sorry" I said to myself, continue crying.

Not long after that, there was no knocking from him at outside. I slowly take a look at out of the window. I think Jimin is gone. I slowly open the door and Jimin is really gone.

I really hope he didn't try to find me here again.

I head to the toilet and I see my face with a puffy eyes. I washed my face and then go to the kitchen until I feel a little hand hugging my leg.

"Mommy~" Y/D/N cutely called out my name.

"Hey sweetie~" I replied.

"Where's the Uncle?" She curiously ask.

"That Uncle have a work to do today" I give a slightly lie, feel really bad to lie to her but I have to.

"Okay. I'm hun-" Y/D/N was got interrupt when Taehyung lift her and hanging her in the air.

"Aww~ my cupcake is hungry~" Taehyung said, playing around with her.

"Hahaha... Uncle Tae! It's too high~" Y/D/N said as Taehyung slowly put her down.

"you're home, oppa." I said.

"I'm tried so I need to return home a hit early. Anyway Y/N, I'm hungry too~" Taehyung cutely said as he and Y/D/N was make a puppy eyes. I can't do anything but laugh.

"You two are really cute and naughty at the same time and oppa, you're too old to do that puppy eyes but still cute~" I sweetly said to Y/D/N and then to Taehyung.

"I know~" Taehyung said as he take Y/D/N take a seat on the dining chair with him while I was starting to cooking a dinner.

Afterwards, I serve the food in front of them and take a seat across them. They two start eating while I looking at them enjoying their food.

"Why you're not eating mommy?" Y/D/N ask.

"I don't feel want to eat" I said.

"You have to eat. If you're not going to eat, I will not eating too" she said while pushing the plate away.

"Aww~ but you already finished the food, sweetie~" I said while smiling.

"Oh hahaha... But you have to eat  mommy. You will starving and sick because you're not eating" Y/D/N said.

"What a kind hearted daughter. I will eat later. Now go shower and sleep. It's already late now. You have to go to school tomorrow" I said to her.

"Okay mommy~" she said while get down from her seat and kissing Taehyung's and my cheek before heading to her bedroom.

"She is such a sweet girl" Taehyung said with a smile.

"Yeah she is" I said while smiling too when Taehyung suddenly noticed something on my eyes.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Taehyung curiously ask.

"What?" I confusedly ask him back.

"Your puffy eyes. Are you crying?" He said to me, slowly frowning at me. I realize that I was crying before so I need to lied him. 

"N-no" I suddenly stuttering, evoke the feel of curiosity to Taehyung.

"Don't lie to me. I already know you well. You are my lil sister. Just tell me what happen to you" Taehyung firmly said to me as I was afraid to tell him that Jimin already know us that we're living here, knowing  will Taehyung probabl kill Jimin if he know about this.

"H-he k-know-" I keep on stuttering, can't even finished my sentences of frightened and nervousness.

"Know what?" Taehyung was waiting for me to speak.

"Jimin know we are living here!" finally, I finished my sentences by forcing myself, slowly look up for his reaction.

"what?!?" Taehyung suddenly raised his voice in anger. I froze to see an angry look on Taehyung's face.

'Oh no. What I'm gonna do now?'

Chapter 4
To be continued.

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