Chapter 49

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Astrid had watched the nobles leaving the throne room and knights would be waiting to escort them to their chambers. She was currently listening to the guards in the room explain what they had overheard. It still baffled Astrid that the royals would pay no heed to the servants or guards and discuss important business in their presence.

It was the first time that she had laid eyes on Hiccup's family and if it wasn't for the auburn hair and green eyes that the large man, which she thought to be his father, possessed then she would have guessed that Hiccup was adopted.

Even his younger brother Geir was not what she had expected. Hiccup had described him as the perfect Viking son, so she expected to see a muscled man, yet it seemed that he was more fat than muscle now. Astrid had watched him from the corner of her eye and did not like how he glared at her when she entered.

His wife was another story. She had green eyes, was slender and had long mousy brown hair, which she kept in a single braid down her back. Although the woman had said scarcely said anything through the meeting she kept glancing at her, with what Astrid would describe as a look akin to jealousy. For what, Astrid had no idea.

Astrid headed for her chambers after her knights had finished briefing her. When she closed her chamber door she was immediately pinned to it by Hiccup who was giving her a hungry, passionate, kiss.

"H..Hiccup!" Astrid giggled, winding her fingers in auburn locks, as Hiccup started trailing kisses along her neck.

A cough from behind them caused the happy couple to stop and turn around. They had forgotten that they had company and could see Eret and the twins standing there with blushes gracing their faces.

"Don't stop on our account." Ruffnut commented suggestively only to get an elbow in the ribs from her brother.

Astrid and Hiccup reluctantly let go of each other before facing their friends.

"I am assuming everything went according to plan?" Eret asked.

"You bet!" The twins chorused. "We precisely timed the explosion." Tuffnut said proudly as he produced Chicken from the satchel at his side. "Isn't that right Chicken?"

Ruffnut rolled her eyes at the antics of her brother. She still could not fathom how he smuggled Chicken in Barf and Belch's saddlebags when they were escaping.

"I still cannot believe you asked these two to deliberately blow up something." Eret mumbled and then laughed. "But it was worth it to throw those people off guard."

"I also told Gobber the truth." Hiccup explained. "He'll keep quiet and he sends his congratulations."

Astrid nodded. "We will need to speak with Heather and her brother soon. She was trying to signal something to me."

"I assume a private dinner would not be out of the question?" Hiccup asked to which Astrid nodded.

"I will have my guards inform them discreetly." Astrid said as her lips twitched in mirth. "Also that rumor is still going around Hiccup. They think that you may know if it's true or not."

Hiccup let out a groan as he knew which rumor his bemused wife was talking about. "Then I am assuming that I will be dealing with several people later."

"I am sure you will be able to handle it." Astrid whispered in his ear which caused Hiccup to shiver.

"We shall take our leave now." Eret said quickly as he ushered the twins out.

Astrid placed her hands around Hiccup's neck once the chamber doors were closed. "Now good sir. Where were we?" She asked before Hiccup closed the gap between their lips.

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